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When course numbers change and those courses are part of any program anywhere within the university, it is critical that all such programs be identified so that a) catalog descriptions can be corrected and b) changes needed for the degree audit system can be maintained. Recent changes for Spanish (BA in Spanish, BA Spanish for International Trade, and Minor in Spanish will be presented on next weekТs Senate agenda), while the Spanish Education programs are still being considered by the College of Education. The UWUCC discussed whether departments need to submit full program revisions when the only change is a series of course number changes. Marcy will be invited to a future UWUCC meeting to discuss how we might provide the Office of the Registrar with sufficient information without making departments provide excessive information. A question of whether we need to revise the Curriculum Handbook was placed on hold until after the discussion with Marcy. Sechrist informed the UWUCC of a question from Dean Butzow as to what procedure should be followed for a stand-alone teacher certificate option for students who already have a BS in a natural science. In particular, heТs interested in undergraduate courses for cases where a person does not want to return for graduate work. The UWUCC was not clear if ─в╣╜tv would actually be providing any certificate and that all that was needed was verification that a set of State-required teacher education courses were completed. The consensus of the UWUCC was that such a program should come forward from the College Committees and be treated similar to the way we treat a track within an existing major in terms of the approval process. IV. Honors College Committee Report No Report V.а Liberal Studies Committee Report No Report VI. 03 Ц 30 BS in Education Ц Elementary Education, Urban track, new track Two tracks were submitted with the only change between them being the semester in which a particular set of courses were to be taken. The UWUCC sees this as a single track with two different scheduling options and will request the department to combine it into one track with a footnote explaining the differences in student teaching options. A couple of minor editorial changes were identified: corrections to some liberal studies entries, footnote (1) on the 10 credits in science; footnote (2) for Math 152. Additionally, the description in the catalog format identifies 119 credits and the program description lists 120 credits. It appears that ELED 110 is missing and will need to be corrected. Provisional approval was granted on a Hoffsommer/Carranza motion. VII. 03-39a BS in Education Ц Education of Exceptional Persons, program revision 03-39b thru 03-39h EDEX 416, 417, 418, 419, 425, 435, 440, respectfully Discussion on the program revision was deferred until a discussion of the individual course revision proposals could be completed. While the proposed course revisions to the prerequisite were quite minor, there are problems with the way the old course proposals are presented. The UWUCC was not sure if that is because the proposals, as originally approved, were written this way or if the course descriptions are not the same as those that were initially approved. In either case, the UWUCC believed that the Department should take this opportunity to clean up those course descriptions. In particular, the UWUCC identified the following: Course objectives are not student-centered, measurable, and behavioral. More importantly, the objectives appear to be at a fairly low level of cognition for upper-level courses. For example, most objectives focus on knowledge rather than higher order thinking. Without identifying each occurrence, the UWUCC found several typographical errors in the program side by side, which will be sent to the department. Course titles for 425 and 435 are not correct and have been corrected on the docket and original cover sheets. There is also no mention of a culminating activity, but there is a week 15 on each proposal. The UWUCC decided not to approve any of these pending further discussions with the proposers. 03-42b BTED 250 Electronic Office Procedures, course deletion 03-42c BTED 273 Word Processing Applications, course deletion 03-42d BTED 293 Practicum: Computer and Information Technology, new course The two course deletions were approved on a Carranza/Martin motion The new course proposal, BTED 293, was approved on a Numan/Staszkiewicz motion with a minor editorial change Ц 0 credit hours needs to be changed to 3 credits. New Business. The UWUCC agreed to hold April 20, the week before the final Senate meeting, for an open invitation to any department representatives considering making course or program changes. Sechrist will notify the departments that they may come in and ask questions and to be provided with assistance early in the peer-review process. Adjourned at 4:32 PM Respectfully submitted, Mark J. Staszkiewicz ScЄ ╢·Ў·ЎЄЎhпцhwkш hwkш\Б;Sdef}~рс  3 4 # $ 5 6   █∙ЇЇыщщ▄╓╓╓╓╓╓щщ╓щ╔щ┐┐┐ ╞╨Д╨^Д╨ & F ╞╨Д╚√`Д╚√Д╨^Д╨ & F ╞╨Д╚√`Д╚√  & F ╞╨$a$ ╞ь╢¤█▄╖╕▌▐щmnqr╩╦hi ghiзїїїяяяэээээяїїяяїїїїїїїїїх & Fgdпц ╞╨ ╞╨Д╨^Д╨зх01tmnoДЕЖЮЯа╡╢∙∙єщщщщс▀▀┌єєєєєє▀ & F & Fgdпц ╞╨Д╨^Д╨ ╞╨Д╨^Д╨ 1Рh░╨/ ░р=!░"░#Ра$Ра%░■   ■    ■    !"#$%■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ■       └F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8Ї9▓q■  ц]╤О8└O╣8m0ША08А@HД░ DAV:getcontentlanguageen-us■ рЕЯЄ∙OhлС+'│┘0▄Р<ШTд░╝Ш ╨Ь@@ё @ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH H@H Heading 1$$ & F@&a$5Б\БT@"T Heading 2 & Fдdдd@&[$\$5БCJ$\БaJ$^@^ Heading 3$ & FдЁд<@&5БCJOJQJ\Б^JaJR@R Heading 4$ & FдЁд<@&5БCJ\БaJT@RT Heading 5 & Fдdдd@&[$\$5БCJ\БaJN@N Heading 6 & FдЁд<@&5БCJ\БaJ@@@ Heading 7 & FдЁд<@&F@F Heading 8 & FдЁд<@&6Б]БT @T Heading 9 & FдЁд<@&CJOJQJ^JaJDA@Є бD Default Paragraph FontViє │V  Table Normal :V Ў4╓4╓ laЎ (kЇ ┴(No List Rg@вёR HTML TypewriterCJOJPJQJ^JaJo(2>@2 Title$a$5Б\Б╢ *    ;Sdef}~рс  34#$56█▄╖ ╕ ▌ ▐ щ     m n q r ╩ ╦ hi ghiзх01tmnoДЕЖЮЯа╡╕Ш0ААШ0ААШ0АА0ААШ0АSШ0АSШ 0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSАШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ 0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ 0АSШ0АSpШ0АSШШ0АSШ0АSШ0АSШ0АS АШ0АSШШ 0АSШ0АSШ0АSАШ 0АSАШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0ААШ0АА АШ0ААШ╢█з╢╢  ─ \У┼ М╞ ЬМ╟ ▄Л╚ ЬН╔ \М;u╜ ╜ ─ |╕R|├ ╦ ╦ Г╕8*Аurn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsАtimeА8*Аurn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsАdateА=*Аurn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags АPlaceTypeА=*Аurn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags АPlaceNameА9*Аurn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsАplaceА  А15А16А20А2004А23А3А32АDayАHourАMinuteАMonthАYear    ╕╕╡╡_ a ╛╥ююgi╟уЎ8;;Y]aahилiiухЄEFHH╡╕╕   Mark StaszkiewiczgsgsgsmmccartyЩ]Ю"Б!         ─Lt P[Ь_         й0+x╡·s         иqЎ-J▓я         ╓Vэ3ШЁт{         %3m=дxКг         b!v0 jФ         ╖0uvмIrO ДФДl¤╞Ф^ДФ`Дl¤o(ДаДl¤╞а^Да`Дl¤o(-ДшД0¤╞ш^Дш`Д0¤o(-.ДЇ Д0¤╞Ї ^ДЇ `Д0¤o(-.. 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