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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,l(  / :{ For the Sept Title (0<|     EktContentID64l(  / :{ For the Sept Title`PXd p x   XEktContentID64EktCEktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabledEktShowEvents D &DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17555e@wt@ژߑBR&lt;p&gt;UWUCC Minutes of September 16, 2003&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&#160;&lt;/p&gt; [@ a"bjbj44 20ViViG 4 8888p |$4 t"" $RTb3 3 "H```  " ` ``@ T "͂84F^0#z44 4 $`Kg334 4  8J4 4 8Minutes University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, September 23, 2003 16A Leonard Hall Call to Order: 3:20 PM Present: Caranza, Matsubara, Numan, Orife, Sadler, Scandrett, Sechrist, Soule, Staszkiewicz Excused: J. Martin Absent: Peterson II. Approval of Minutes from September 16 Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes of September 16, 2003 were amended and approved on a Sadler/Orife motion with the following changes: VI. Adjourned at 4:35 should be VII. Adjourned at 4:35 III. Co-Chairs Report Sechrist mentioned that the special meeting to develop procedures for placing programs into moratorium has been scheduled. Sechrist reported on the procedures Staszkiewicz will use to take the Art Department curriculum proposals to the Council of Trustees to secure pre approval pending Senate action in October. This way the programs, once approved by the Senate, will not need to wait till the December Council of Trustees meeting to be official and the Art Department will be able to move forward with NASAD accreditation. Sechrist reported that she was approached by representatives of the Biology Department to see what UWUCC action might be needed if the Biology Dept. continues to develop the combined BS/MS program in Biology. The program is being reviewed by the Graduate Committee. Assuming that the undergraduate portion is consistent with the existing undergraduate program, the UWUCC believes that the only action it will need to take involves any proposed changes to the paragraphs in the catalog. Sechrist reported that she was approached by representatives of the Early Childhood Education program to inquire if a new course would be needed for a particular section of a multiple-section course designed specifically for early childhood education majors. The consensus of the UWUCC was that special sections for particular majors do not require any further UWUCC action. Sechrist reported that she was approached by a representative of the History Department. The Department has a series of 300-level courses for which they would like to add a new pre-requisite HIST 195 and sophomore standing. The question was whether they would need to submit changes for each course or if they could do it collectively. The UWUCC believed that there are advantages to doing it individually if the department needs to review the curriculum and update the syllabus of record. Chairperson Sechrist will let the History Dept. know that they can submit the changes as a collective request, but that they should take the opportunity to decide if any of the courses need revision. Sechrist reported that the UWUCC will probably receive some requests for certificate programs and that we never completed our discussion of a procedure for such approvals. This will need to be done this year. The BOG policy on certificates needs to be consulted. Finally, Dr. Sechrist reported that there are several items on the docket for which no further action has been taken by some departments after an inordinate amount of time. Screening committees are urged to notify departments that have actions pending to either move the requests forward or risk having them removed from the UWUCC docket. IV. Honors College Committee Report No Report Liberal Studies report: The Liberal Studies Committee Approved LS component for BA International Studies/ Political Science. The UWUCC decided to defer action on this item until the full program comes forward for approval. See Footnote 1. 03-16b RLST 220 Buddhist Thought and Practice, new course 03-16c RLST 373 Advanced Studies in Buddhism, new course 03-16a RLST 480 Seminar in Religious Studies The UWUCC discussed all three of these proposals from the Religious Studies Department. In general, each proposal needs to be improved by the following: Clarify the evaluation methods to separate out attendance and Participation. Make sure that the culminating activity is included in the course outline. In addition, the department needs to make sure that the weighting/value for the essay and presentations is clear. It appeared to the UWUCC that this section was not clear in 16a. Look at the objectives again to make sure that for each course they are listed as student outcomes using format like: Student will be able to . Check to make sure that each courses syllabus of record is clear with regard to attendance policy and check the grammar for this section. The three courses were approved on a Sadler/Carranza motion pending final corrections noted above. 03-18 OC 269 Sociology of Deviance, new course The UWUCC identified the following concerns that the co-chair should take back to the proposing department: The Department will need to submit a program revision since this course will become part of the overall program. Letters of support or acknowledgment should be sought from Criminology and Psychology. The attendance policy is unclear. Does the department expect that all sections of this course, regardless of who is teaching it, will have to abide by this policy? If yes, then the language needs to be consistent with Senate policy (e.g., allowing for three unexcused absences) and the requirement for final written justification probably needs to be replaced with confirmation that the student was unable to attend for medical reasons as our Health Center does not provide written confirmation of illnesses and only provides documentation of attendance at the Health Center. No action was taken on this course pending further revision by the Department. The UWUCC engaged in a lively discussion about items such as course objectives and whether the handbook should be revised to require student learning outcomes rather than course objectives. This discussion will continue at a future meeting. Carmy Carranza distributed a report prepared by Cathy Dugan of the Advising and Testing Center. The report provided a summary of the number of students who take placement exams and are placed in courses below those required by their major (e.g., Math 100 instead of Calculus, etc.). This was a follow up to the discussion by the UWUCC regarding the 120 credit mandate and the relationship of embedded pre-requisites to remedial/developmental courses. No action was taken by the UWUCC. Adjourned at 5:00 PM Respectfully submitted, Mark J. Staszkiewicz FOOTNOTES: 1. The LS component for the BA in International Studies/Political Science will require formal approval by the UWUCC when the program, itself, comes up for approval. The Screening Committee will need to look to see if the program is designed with double counting of coursework to meet program and LS requirements. 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