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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,l(  >"G For the Sept TitleT (0<|     DLEktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonoml(  >"G For the Sept Title PXd p x   EktContentID64EktCyenabledEktShowEvents D &DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17431e@Љt@Н.#2&lt;p&gt;UWUCC Minutes of April 5, 2005&lt;/p&gt; {` *bjbjFF 7H,,", , , , , , , @ 4<@ gh@@@@ooo\g^g^g^g^g^g^g$Eihkbg, oo g, , @g""" , @, \g" \g""j[, , `@T4 !@!D]2gDg0gv]&l!ld``l, pboh"iTooogg"ooog @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , , , , , ,   Minutes University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, April 5, 2005 16A Leonard Hall I. Call to Order: 3:20 PM Present: Barnacle, Carranza, Coccarelli, Craig, Flickinger, Hannibal, Martin, Matsubara, Numan, Peterson, Sadler, Sechrist, Soule, Staszkiewicz Excused: Orife, Scandrett, Wibowo Approval of Minutes: On a Peterson/Coccarelli motion, the minutes of March 22, 2005 were approved with a minor editorial correction. III. Co-Chairs Report Sechrist updated the UWUCC on some follow up activities she had regarding distance education in the Eberly College of Business and Information Technology and a follow up conversation she had with a representative from Food and Nutrition. IV. The members of the UWUCC congratulated Dr. Craig for receiving the Distinguished Faculty Award for Creative Arts and congratulated Dr. Sechrist for receiving the Distinguished Faculty Award for Service. V. Honors College Committee Report: No report VI. Liberal Studies Committee Report: None For Information: Approved Dr. Meghan Twiest, Professional Studies in Education dept, for existing LBST 499 Childhood in America. Approved LBST 499 Regarding Animals, Dr. Rosalee Stillwell. Approved Type I Professor Commitment writing status for: Dr. Heather Powers, English Dept Dr. Anthony Farrington, English Dept Approved Type III writing status for PHIL 330 Philosophy of Science when taught by Dr. Mary MacLeod For Approval: Approved ANTH 370/LAS 370 Latinos & Diasporas for Liberal Studies Elective and Non-Western category. The Liberal Studies Committee action item was approved on a Martin/Soule motion. VII. 04-43 FIN (R. Boldin) & 04-66 (Eastman) 324 Principles of Investments, distance education The earlier problems with the 04-43 version of the proposal were cleared up and the proposals for distance education were approved on a Hannibal/Martin motion. 04-57 EDEX 417 Education of Persons with Mental Retardation or Developmental Disabilities, distance education Earlier questions regarding whether the distance education format was proposed only for the undergraduate portion of the dual-level course, status of field experiences and group projects have been resolved and the proposal was approved on a Coccarelli/Carranza motion. IX. 04-58 CDFR 224 Marriage and Family Relations, distance education (B. Judkins) Corrections were made based upon issues raised in an earlier UWUCC meeting and the proposal was passed on a Staszkiewicz/Hannibal motion. X. 04-3 BIOL 490 Field Studies in Biology, new course All issues have been resolved and this course was approved on a Barnacle/Craig motion. Peterson abstained. 04-2a Minor in Pan African Studies, program revision 04-2b PNAF 493 Pan African Studies Internship, new course The original proposals were initially submitted in 2002. Since then, two new courses have been approved. These include ARHI 418 and MUSC 300. Earlier concerns had been addressed in the revised proposal. The PNAF 493 and the program revision were approved on a Hannibal/Barnacle motion. XII. 04-48g ANTH 484 Specialized Methods in Archaeology, new course 04-48h ANTH 485 Anthropological Study Odyssey, new course Earlier questions for these two proposals revolved around the level of the objectives, length of the catalog description, and whether the earlier course number for 04-48h allowed for course repeats. Each issue has been addressed and the proposals were approved on a Staszkiewicz/Martin motion. XIII. 04-48a BA - General Anthropology track, program revision 04-48b BA - Anthropology/Archaeology track, program revision 04-48c BA - Anthropology/Applied Anthropology track, program revision With the approval of 04-48g and 04-48h at this meeting and the approvals from the last meeting for the other program revision elements, these three program revisions were approved on a Peterson/ Matsubara motion. 04-62e PHYS 345 Optics, number change (was PHYS 242) The number change was approved on a Martin/Soule motion. Numan abstained. 04-62a BA in Physics, program revision 04-62b BS in Physics, program revision 04-62c BS in Applied Physics, program revision 04-62d BS in Applied Physics/Electro-Optics track, program revision There were no concerns with these proposals and they were approved on a Peterson/Hannibal motions. Numan abstained. XVI. 04-28a B.S. in Disability Services, program title change and revision (was B.S. in Rehabilitation) 04-28b EDEX 493 Internship/Field Training, course prefix change and number change, course revision, catalog description change) 04-28c EDEX 111 Introduction to Exceptional Persons, course revision, prerequisite change 04-28d EDEX 340 Introduction to Behavior Management, course revision, prerequisite change 04-28e EDEX 416 Education of Persons with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders, course revision, prerequisite change 04-28f EDEX 417 Education of Persons with Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, course revision, prerequisite change 04-28g EDEX 418 Education of Persons with Physical and Multiple Disabilities, course revision, prerequisite change 04-28h EDEX 419 Education of Persons with Brain Injuries or Learning Disabilities, course revision, prerequisite change Although the majority of concerns raised by the Liberal Studies Committee and the UWUCC Screening Committee have been addressed already, a few final questions were identified. General issues revolved around the need to clarify the prerequisites. The courses for this program are restricted to students in the major or to students in the proposed Sociology, Disability Services Track or the proposed Disability Services minor. The UWUCC believes the prerequisites that state this restriction are unclear and need better language. Since most of the course proposals include NCATE-formatting regarding outcomes assessment, the department needs to be sure that it is consistent with those NCATE assessment standards. This is not something the UWUCC is particularly concerned about with regard to proposal approvals, but it was noted that some proposals need additional editing to match the standards. Additional comments regarding the different proposals include: 04-28a In the proposed program for the side-by-side description, the Sign Language course needs to be listed as one credit. EDEX 460 and 493 should be moved to another section to avoid confusion with the statement two of the four courses. Then (416, 417, 418 or 419) listing can be removed. 04-29b Is the internship proposal for variable credits or for 12 credits since the program requires 12 credits? 04-29 f, g, and h The Justification for Revision section needs to be carefully reviewed as it appears that some of the justification refers to issues already in place. Finally, the department needs to look at the attendance policy section in which it appears that the issue of doctors excuse only is more rigorous than that required at Ģtv. While these are a lot of comments, the UWUCC believed that they can be corrected rather easily. Sechrist and the Screening Committee members will work with the department to make corrections as quickly as possible. Given that the changes are considered reasonably minor, the UWUCC granted provisional approval on a Sadler/Peterson motion for the entire set of proposals, 04-28a h. 04-29 Education of Exceptional Persons, new minor There is a minor editorial correction need on P. 5, number 2 in part 4. Valuations should be Evaluations. In the sequencing restriction section, there is reference to a GPA requirement of 2.75. This needs to also be in the catalog description. It is not clear, however, if the requirement needs to be met for entry into the minor or for successful completion of the minor. This will need to be clarified. Finally, in the sequencing/restrictions section, the UWUCC assumed that the first course required is EDEX 111, but the 111 is missing. Provisional approval was granted on a Coccarelli/Martin motion. XVII. 04-42a B.A. in Sociology Sociology of Disability Services, new track 04-42b Sociology of Disability Services, new minor program There were no problems identified in 04-42a. In 04-42b, reference is made in the justification section that the program might be of interest to students in Educational Psychology. Since there is no undergraduate degree in Ed. Psych, it is probably better to remove that reference. The proposals were approved on a Staszkiewicz/Craig motion. The UWUCC decided to hold a meeting on 19th at the regular time. Adjourned at 5:30 PM Respectfully submitted, Mark J. 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