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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,|  Ddp" G dMGMT 405 Organizational Staffing, number change (was MGMT 305)(course revision dual list with grad) Titled (0<|     |  Ddp" G dMGMT 405 Organizational Staffing, number change (was MGMT 305)(course revision dual list with grad) Title0PXd p x   T\EktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabledEktShowEvents D &DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17411e@|Ÿt@ˠ:&lt;p&gt;UWUCC Minutes&#160;of October 11, 2005&lt;/p&gt; {` bjbjFF 4.,,$$j,44444 jjjjjjj$kh!n2j2j44Gj^44 j jfapdh4( `բ"dDi]j0jTd1o1odh1odhvTD}2j2j jD Minutes University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, October 11, 2005 16A Leonard Hall I. Call to Order: 3:20 PM Present: Barnacle, Craig, Hannibal, Kabala, Kostelnik, Martin, McCombie, Numan, Pankaj, Peterson, Scandrett, Sechrist, Staszkiewicz, Wheeler Excused: Sadler Absent: Flickinger Guest: Susan Martin II. On a Kostelnik/Wheeler motion, the September 27, 2005 minutes were approved with a minor editorial change to item XIII (change aquatics to aquatic). III. Co-Chairs Report Sechrist reported that she had spoken with Dr. Susan Martin, Political Science Department, regarding the proposal to approve PLSC 351 and PLSC 371 for distance education. Dr. Sechrist shared the UWUCCs concerns over the proposals and Dr. Martin will be meeting with the UWUCC to discuss the changes she incorporated into the proposals. Sechrist reported that she had an inquiry from Dr. Fredalene Bowers, Human Development and Environmental Studies Department. Apparently there has been some miscommunication and the department has not received the reactions from the screening committee regarding their proposals. Scandrett indicated he would follow up with Dr. Bowers. Sechrist raised some questions for the UWUCC to consider regarding the proposals to develop Pre-law minors. The UWUCC may want to invite Dr. Gwen Torges, Pre-Law Advisor, to a meeting to discuss these issues. Honors College Committee Report: No report Liberal Studies Committee report was accepted as submitted: For information: Approved Dr. Chauna Craig, English - Type I Writing Status, Professor Commitment Approved LBST 499 How Safe Are You? International Terrorism, Dr. Gawdat Bahgat, Political Science Dept. For Action: Approved Liberal Studies components of the following programs: BS Physical Education & Sport BS Physical Education & Sport: Sport Administration Track 05-20a PLSC 351 Legislative Process, distance education (Susan Martin) 05-20b PLSC 371 Issues in Public Administration, distance education (Susan Martin) Dr. Susan Martin attended the meeting and addressed the concerns raised by the UWUCC at its last meeting. She changed debate to argument and responded to the grading system questions. Following a good discussion, Dr. Martin left the meeting. Both proposals passed on a Martin/Barnacle motion. Wheeler abstained. VII. 05-10a BTED 111 Foundations of Business Mathematics, course deletion The course deletion was approved on a Hannibal/Martin motion. VIII. 05-10b BTST 402 Web Site Development & Administration, course revision, prerequisite & description change The committee identified the following concerns: The catalog descriptions do not match the catalog. The descriptions and the objectives need to be edited to be consistent in the use of third person. The reference to WWW in the course description is probably an error and should be replaced with web. Objectives 3 and 4 might be rewritten to make them more measurable (e.g., students will be able to: evaluate strategies for marketing the Website). It was suggested that the textbook may be too narrow for this course as it appears to deal more with operating systems than with website design. The proposal was given provisional approval on a Martin/Peterson motion. 05-16 HPED 442 Senior Seminar: Professional Development in Health Physical Education and Sport, course revision, title and catalog description change (was Seminar in Health, Physical Education and Recreation I) There was considerable discussion regarding this proposal and whether it constituted a new course or a course revision. The major issue revolves around the proposed course description and objectives and whether they adequately address what appear to be the original courses content related to research in the field. It was suggested that the course description and objectives should be edited to more closely reflect what appears to be the intent of the original course. This might be done by expanding objectives 1 and 2 and section B of the course outline. The proposal was given provisional approval on a Scandrett/Peterson motion with one negative vote. Kostelnik abstained. X. The UWUCC discussed further the concept of creating an amnesty period in which departments could submit official course syllabi. The intent would be that each department would be given the opportunity to make minor edits to courses using a modified and streamlined approval process. The discussion centered on what items should be on the syllabus submitted. A sample of the distinctions, developed by Staszkiewicz, was distributed by Sechrist. The UWUCC decided that the bibliography should be included as a sample. The UWUCC reaffirmed its desire to try and move this concept forward under Sechrists leadership.. Adjourned at 4:50 PM Respectfully Submitted Mark Staszkiewicz DTUefghjw{     " # ½|tll|||d\ThEjXCJaJhNCJaJhnCJaJh=CJaJhiCJaJh&%CJaJhNCJaJh|%CJaJhVPCJaJhEjXhQ:5CJaJ hjA5hEjXhVP5hEjXhQ:5 hEjX5 h(V 5hEjXhEjX5hEjX hjmlhyhxCJaJhjmlhyCJaJhjmlhkCJaJhkCJaJ ;Ufg # 7 M N   U V ^gdtgd&% 0^`0gdgdEjX`gdEjX^gd&%gdVP $ & Fa$gdEjX & FgdEjX$a$gdy gdy# + 5 6 7 L M N R W ` h u     T U A C D j k y z RSͽͥ|xh hb= hQ:hb=hjmlhb=CJaJhjmlhCJaJhCJaJh(V CJaJhaCJaJhtCJaJhQ:CJaJhCJaJhjmlhQ:CJaJh&%CJaJhEjXCJaJh|%CJaJh=CJaJhNCJaJ- y z RS/0 ^gdgd ^gdW gd{ ^gdb=^gdb= & Fgdb=gdQ: & Fgd^gdtS./0125{|,-K\PWKjļԬ|tllddhmmCJaJhTCJaJh"3CJaJhTh[h[CJaJh CJaJh %6CJaJhaCJaJhi60CJaJh.CJaJhFCJaJhcCJaJh{CJaJh{ CJaJhhCJaJhb=CJaJh CJaJhWCJaJhuvCJaJ'0z|,-QRgdVR & Fgd"3gdNV~^gdN 0^`0gd"3^gd"3gd[ & Fgd[gd %6^gd %6 0^`0gdcgdchrXh&%CJaJhVRCJaJhmmCJaJhNV~CJaJh h[CJaJgdNgdVR21h:prX/ =!"#$h%   !"#$%&  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q ]8O8m008@H DAV:getcontentlanguageen-usOh+'0Tp @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH H@H y Heading 1$$ & F@&a$5\T"T y Heading 2 & Fdd@&[$\$5CJ$\aJ$^^ y Heading 3$ & F<@&5CJOJQJ\^JaJRR y Heading 4$ & F<@&5CJ\aJTRT y Heading 5 & Fdd@&[$\$5CJ\aJNN y Heading 6 & F<@&5CJ\aJ@@ y Heading 7 & F<@&FF y Heading 8 & F<@&6]T T y Heading 9 & F<@&CJOJQJ^JaJDAD Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List 2>@2 yTitle$a$5\HSH Q:Body Text Indent 3 ^NgN Q:HTML TypewriterCJOJPJQJ^JaJH"H 9} Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ.;Ufg#7MNUVyzRS/ 0 z | , - QR0@0@0@0@0@0@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g 0g@0g 0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g 0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g0g@0g@0g@0g 0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g@0g 0g@0@0@0@0# S 08@0(  B S  ?ef!g <1h di/jk l-;{uzzT=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceNameV*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplacehttp://www.5iantlavalamp.com/8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsdate8*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagstimeh*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity0http://www.5iamas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags @ 101115202005279DayHourMinuteMonthYear     W`:C33?ACDjk K \ jjS418{K*Gh6 4Φ%2*0 g15Ih1S(V$ q-KuV!.~m(~r5֎6%3m=HC>,$ٰ?Z5"d0t^Vg ֚NhhTAW h[9mm(\"O0uvIrO r"x?j{L9| Y"}|,DE )F,H0^`0o(. 88^8`hH. 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