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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,|  Ddp) G dMGMT 405 Organizational Staffing, number change (was MGMT 305)(course revision dual list with grad) Titleh (0<|     |  Ddp) G dMGMT 405 Organizational Staffing, number change (was MGMT 305)(course revision dual list with grad) Title4PXd p x   X`EktContentID64EktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabledEktShowEvents D &DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17413e@Kɸt@p!<&lt;p&gt;UWUCC Minutes&#160;of September 27, 2005&lt;/p&gt; {` bjbjFF 46,,@@@@4t$f,VfXfXfXfXfXfXf$hhkj|f|ff.VfVf.^Hd 1#@F`@Bff0fa{k&{kd{kd`-|d |f|ff@@ Minutes University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, September 27, 2005 16A Leonard Hall I. Call to Order: 3:15 PM Present: Barnacle, Hannibal, Kabala, Kostelnik, Martin, Numan, Pankaj, Peterson, Scandrett, Sechrist, Staszkiewicz, Wheeler Excused: Craig, McCombie, Sadler Absent: Flickinger II. On a Scandrett/Wheeler motion, the September 20, 2005 minutes were approved as submitted. III. Co-Chairs Report Sechrist reported to the committee that actions taken at this meeting would appear on the November Senate agenda. She reported that next weeks Senate UWUCC agenda contained only For Information items. It was noted that items C and D from this meetings agenda had to be postponed as the materials were not attached for committee review. Honors College Committee Report: No report Liberal Studies Committee report: Accepted on a Hannibal/Martin motion: For information: Approved HNRC 499 proposal for "The Human Experience of Time," Eric Rubenstein, Philosophy Department. Approved Dr. Vicky Clark, Art Department, to teach ARHI 413 as writing intensive for spring 2006 semester only. Approved Dr. Russell Peterson, Biology Department, to teach BIOL 283 Special Topics: Human Biology as a substitute for a non-lab science for Spring 2006 only. 05-20a PLSC 351 Legislative Process, distance education (Susan Martin) 05-20b PLSC 371 Issues in Public Administration, distance education (Susan Martin) There was concern that there is insufficient documentation to understand how the interaction between and among students will be handled. The proposal calls for debates online, but it is unclear if these are really debates or simply arguments made individually by students in completing assignments. In describing the evaluation methodology, the term points is used when it appears that percentage is more appropriate. This needs to be verified as to what the proposer intends. The proposals were returned for further revision on a Wheeler/Hannibal motion. The UWUCC recommends that Dr. Martin be invited to the next UWUCC meeting to help the committee understand these issues more fully. VII. 05-11b HPED 280 Aquatic Facilities Management, catalog description and prerequisite change 05-11c HPED 335 Athletic Coaching, title change (was Coaching and Managing of Athletic Programs) 05-11d HPED 344 Adapted Physical Activity and Sport, course title, prerequisite and catalog description change (was Adapted Physical Education) There were only some minor editorial problems with these three course proposals (e.g., taught in summer only was missing from the old course description for HPED 280; the old catalog description needs correction for HPED 344). The courses were approved on a Hannibal/Peterson motion. Kostelnik abstained. VIII. 05-12b HPED 292 Introduction to Sport Management, new course 05-12c HPED 302 Managing Facilities and Events in Sport, new course 05-12d HPED 445 Business Practices in Sport, new course 05-12e HPED 460 Law and Issues in Managing Sport, new course Everywhere the course HPED 302 appears should read HPED 320 because 302 is still assigned to a course on the master list. It was suggested that the department secure a letter of support from the appropriate ECOB-IT department(s) for HPED 445. The proposals were approved on a Scandrett/Pankaj motion. Kostelnik abstained. IX. 05-11a B.S. Physical Education and Sport, program revision Minor editorial problems were identified. Among these are a missing Biology course from the old and new tables; footnote correction on the old side; Health and Wellness requirement is missing on the old side. HPED 200 and HPED 210 should be replaced with HPED 209; and the course credit numbers need to be listed on pages 4-5. The proposal passed provisionally on a Martin/Staszkiewicz motion. Kostelnik abstained. 05-12a B.S. - Physical Education and Sport/Sport Administration Track, program revision Minor editorial problems were identified. Among these are corrections to the Liberal Studies electives; course credit numbers missing in side by side table; HPED 200 and HPED 210 should be replaced with HPED 209; ACCT 201 instead of 210; FIN instead of FIM; American Women should be American Woman; and the subheading on old side should be Sport Science Requirements:. The proposal passed provisionally on a Peterson/Wheeler motion. Kostelnik abstained. 05-13a B.S. Physical Education and Sport/Athletic Training Track, program revision, catalog description change Minor editorial changes are needed in the catalog description. Course credit numbers were missing on the side by side table; HPED 200 and HPED 210 should be replaced with HPED 209; SCI 105-106 should not be listed on either side; and the PHYS courses need to be moved to the bottom of the list on the new side. The proposal passed on a Numan/Wheeler motion. Kostelnik abstained. 05-13b B.S. - Physical Education and Sport/Exercise Science Track, program revision Minor editorial changes are needed in the current catalog language, missing credits for courses on the side by side; use of HPED 209 in place of HPED 200 and HPED 210; add no courses with HPED prefix for LS Electives; and change subheading to One course from the following on the old side. Proposal passed on a Martin/Kabala motion. Kostelnik abstained. XIII. 05-13c B.S. Physical Education and Sport/Aquatic Track, program revision Minor editorial changes were identified including consistent use of the term aquatic as the track name; the use of HPED 209 in place of HPED 200 and HPED 210; and missing credits for courses on the side by side. Proposal passed on a Staszkiewicz/Peterson motion. Kostelnik abstained. Adjourned at 4:45 PM Respectfully Submitted Mark Staszkiewicz DNOPVWghijly     ÿ|t|lt|ttdYdhnhnCJaJhnCJaJh=CJaJh&%CJaJh|%CJaJhVPCJaJhEjXhQ:5CJaJ h|%5hEjXhVP5hEjXhQ:5 hEjX5 h(V 5hEjXhEjX5hEjX hjmlhyh95CJaJhuCJaJhiCJaJhjmlhyCJaJhjmlhkCJaJhkCJaJ ;Whi $ 9 :   3  & Fgd^gdtgd&% 0^`0gdgdEjX`gdEjX^gd&%gdVP $ & Fa$gdEjX & FgdEjX$a$gdy gdy # $ 7 8 9 > C T a k m t d i |   ' ) 2 3 4 ; N T U X ͽͥ͋͋xxhX+hCJaJhh(V hQ:hQ:hjmlhCJaJhCJaJh(V CJaJhtCJaJhnCJaJhQ:CJaJhCJaJhjmlhQ:CJaJh&%CJaJh|%CJaJh=CJaJhEjXCJaJhNCJaJ/3 4 } ~ f   M \]gdW^gd!gd! ^gdgd ^gdW & FgdW gd{ ^gd^gd & FgdgdQ:            ) d e f n     M u[\]^_bi%º²‡–h!h h!CJaJh!CJaJh{CJaJh{ CJaJhhCJaJh CJaJhWCJaJhuvCJaJh hxmHhCJaJhn hz`rhhhnCJaJhCJaJ2*1nu\yz()8no$'/?y}ijmzѦɦɦɦɦ{{{s{hCJaJhbCJaJhNCJaJh h*CJaJhBCJaJh+<CJaJh*CJaJh h %6CJaJh %6CJaJhi60CJaJhnCJaJhZCJaJh h!CJaJh!CJaJhhFCJaJh'CJaJ-*n)*nojk67'(^gdNgd4W^gdNgdN & FgdN^gd*gd %6^gd %6^gd!gd!567>  (/|}$35 TU||q|fh h!CJaJh(V h(V CJaJh(V CJaJh!CJaJhCJaJh h@fCJaJh9CJaJh@fCJaJh hCJaJhbhbCJaJh hNCJaJh4WCJaJh*CJaJhNCJaJh+<CJaJhbCJaJhCJaJ((}~45UVklgdNgdVR & FgdNgdNV~^gdN^gd@fgd@f & Fgd@f UegkhrXh&%CJaJhVRCJaJhNCJaJhNV~CJaJ21h:prX/ =!"#$h%   !"#$%&  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q ]8O8m008@H DAV:getcontentlanguageen-usOh+'0Tl @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH H@H y Heading 1$$ & F@&a$5\T@"T y Heading 2 & Fdd@&[$\$5CJ$\aJ$^@^ y Heading 3$ & F<@&5CJOJQJ\^JaJR@R y Heading 4$ & F<@&5CJ\aJT@RT y Heading 5 & Fdd@&[$\$5CJ\aJN@N y Heading 6 & F<@&5CJ\aJ@@@ y Heading 7 & F<@&F@F y Heading 8 & F<@&6]T @T y Heading 9 & F<@&CJOJQJ^JaJDA@D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List 2>@2 yTitle$a$5\HS@H Q:Body Text Indent 3 ^Ng@N Q:HTML TypewriterCJOJPJQJ^JaJH@"H 9} Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ 6;Whi$9:34}~fM\] * n ) * n o jk67'(}~45UVkl0000000i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i 0i0i 0i0i0i0i0i0i0i 0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i 0i0i0i0i 0i0i0i0i 0i0i0i0i0i0i0i0i 0iy0y0y0y0 U3 (8@0(  B S  ? 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