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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,l(  - \ Draft Minutes Titlep (0<|     `hEktContentID64l(  - \ Draft Minutes Title<PXd p x   4EktContentID64EktCEktContentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabledEktShowEvents C &DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17343e@wÁt@Tf?&lt;p&gt;UWUCC Minutes&#160;of August 29, 2006&#160;&lt;/p&gt; !` 3bjbj\\ . >>3 <<<<<<<P PmQPPPPPPP$ ShqUZQ<Q<<'Q"<<PPjL<<P  M2P=Q0mQ NU UdPU<P(%lcQQmQPPPPPPPPP<<<<<<  Minutes University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, August 29, 2006 16A Leonard Hall I. Call to Order: 3:15 PM Present: Craig, Kabala, Kostelnik, McCombie, Numan, Peterson, Sadler, Samuels, Scandrett, Sechrist, Stoudt, Wheeler Absent: Hannibal, Wilkie Guests: Nick Kolb, Jeff Miller II. On a Craig/Sadler motion, the April 18, 2006 minutes were approved as corrected others changed to other and order of Roman numerals fixed. III. Co-Chairs Report Sarah Wheeler was elected UWUCC secretary for 2006 07 by a unanimous vote. Muhammad Numan was elected UWUCC co-chair for 2006 07 by a unanimous vote. The subcommittees to review proposals were assigned and are awaiting final confirmation at next UWUCC meeting. Dr. Samuels introduced Nick Kolb, the Associate Provost and informed the committee that he will be filling in for her from time to time when necessary. IV. Honors College Committee Report: No report V. Liberal Studies Committee Report For information, Susan Fello was granted approval to teach LBST 499 Childhood in America during the summer 2006 semester and Sara Rutledge was granted approval to teach LBST 499 Childhood in America for fall 2006. VI. 06-4 MKTG 420 Marketing Management, distance education Clarification will be sought from the proposers: Resubmit responses to Question 2 of the distance education form based on the new objectives submitted in updated syllabus of record. To establish a new syllabus of record, the proposal needs to be submitted to the Eberly College curriculum committee before coming to UWUCC. VII. 06-6 HRIM 300 Critiquing Commercial Restaurants, new course The proposor, Jeff Miller, attended the meeting to clarify items in the course proposal. He will make some minor changes and return the course for consideration. VIII. 06-7a BA in Spanish for International Trade, program revision The proposal was awarded provisional approval on a Craig/Wheeler motion. Minor changes will be done so that the program requirements match the current catalog description. IX. 06-7b Department of Spanish, catalog change Tabled until clarification is received about whether TECC needs to approve the minor. It was suggested that rather than deleting the first paragraph that the department change it to something like Elementary Education students who wish to prepare to teach in elementary programs may want to consider . 06-7c Minor in Spanish for Elementary Teaching, new minor Sechrist will check with Tom Meloy to see if this proposal should have also gone to TECC. Other issues brought up were: 1) Why does it only list Mexico while the other Spanish programs list Costa Rica and Spain as locations for study abroad? 2) Should the evaluation plan include elementary education? We assume that this is not a certification but does that need to be explained to students? Please address how current students will be dealt with in your answer to question 4. Proposal was tabled. XI. Adjourned at 5:02 pm. 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