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Aikins՜.+,D՜.+,`   I Title8 (0<|     (0EktContentID64EktCon`   I TitlePXd p x   EktContentID64EktContenttentLanguageEktFolderId64 EktQuickLinkEktContentTypeEktFolderName EktCmsPath EktExpiryType EktDateCreated EktDateModified EktTaxCategory EktCmsSizeEktSearchableEktEDescriptionekttaxonomyenabledEktShowEvents C &DownloadAsset.aspx?id=17299e@3t@`Cݐ #UWUCC Minutes of September 4, 2007 #` bjbj 4(& & & & B )j j j j j E E E O)Q)Q)Q)Q)Q)Q)$*h$-xu)=E E ==u)j j )=Fj j O)=O)3'K(j ^ & "'O))0)'^-j-,K(-K(E : _*E E E u)u) E E E )====$& &   University-Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, September 4, 2007 16A Leonard Hall Call to order 3:36 Present: Hannibal, Kolb, McCombie, Numan, Pearlman, Peterson, Potts, Sadler, Scandrett, Sechrist, Stoudt, Wilkie Excused: Carranza II. On a Peterson/McCombie motion, the Minutes from August 28, 2007 with minor corrections were approved. Co-Chairs Report Sechrist informed the Committee that a special university-wide election will be held to replace Wang per APSCUF president. When the co-chair contacted the proposer of EDHL 314 about coming to the meeting to show the committee the web site, the proposer stated that they had an emergency situation and only wanted to teach the course once via distance education. Then, several days later, the proposer withdrew the proposal from the docket. Discussed the inquiry received about PHIL 222 distance education proposal; it was confirmed that Sept. 25 is the deadline for submission to this Committee for courses to be offered in the spring. Items for Review/Possible Action: Honors College Committee Report: No report Liberal Studies Committee report: No report 07-5 SAFE 480 Healthcare Safety Management, course revision, catalog description course number/title change. On a Hannibal/Sadler motion, proposal was approved with a minor correction on p. 3, changing no applicable to not applicable. Other Review of docket Sechrist explained how Committees docket is organized; discussed status of certain pending items from past years dockets that UWUCC has approved but that have not yet been forwarded to Senate. Most of these are awaiting Graduate approval. The status of the following past docket items were discussed: ECON 405 screening committee 3 will contact proposer CHSS 121 tabled 2/20/07 because of the Liberal Studies Revision; Sadler will email to see how many times the course has been offered. FIN 415 returned 11/21/07 Hannibal will check on status. COMM 303 denied 3/23/07; Sechrist will contact proposer to see if he wants to the keep proposal on the docket. MLSC 402, 401, 302, 301, 201 returned 1/23/07 Peterson agreed to contact the proposer. EDSP 423/523 Hannibal ccd comments to proposer in August 2007 EDSP 102 distance ed returned 8/28/07; Sechrist hasnt heard from proposer yet. HPED 215, 242, 279, 411 All as screening committee. Committee reviewed Variability in Delivery of Undergraduate Programs draft language. 3(c) line 4 should change Instructional Design Center to IT Services. A. Policy, paragraph 3: Delete first sentence. Keep the second sentence. A. Policy, paragraph 2, letter (a), change affects 30% or more of a program: Discussed change in percentage from 30% and application of program to total credits in a major, not including liberal studies courses. Kolb suggested 50% or more of major course requirements excluding liberal studies. Intention is that if its possible for a student to complete 50% or more of their courses online, this policy would apply even if department offered face-to-face and online offerings of same course. Sadler suggests adding under B.3.(e) Outcomes Assessment: how do you plan to use this data to improve instruction?; Committee discussed how program assessment will be tracked and evaluated for distance education programs. Sechrist will bring up at RepCouncil the question of percentages. Kolb suggests higher than 50%. Suggested title change by Kolb: Delivery of Undergraduate Programs via Distance Education Technology. Change graduate to undergraduate throughout document. Under A. Policy: Delete first two sentences. Under B.3(a). Method of Delivery, Committee suggested proposer list courses to be delivered online and in traditional delivery format; delete their eligibility to teach Ģtv graduate courses. Committee suggested merging B.3(b) into B.3(c) and add IT Services address to B.3(c). Discussed B.3(d), Course Schedule: Hannibal suggested adding language regarding a review of programs proposed course offering schedule. Discussed needs assessment requirement (B.4(a)): suggested change to appropriate assessment of demand. Adjournment: 5:00 Respectfully submitted, LeAnn Wilkie O`abotu  = C I T b c d v Q X d g . / = E N o x z d m   ( * + / 8 \ ] d e ɽhFhCehMshC^hSh28h Ahr0hlh" hNh50 hj6hj6hj6hj65hj6J4O`abud e v /  & Fgdl & F 8^gdj6 0^`0gdj6gd508^8gd"  & F 8^gdj6h^hgdj6 $h^ha$gdj6$0^`0a$gdj6   8 B d n ] ^ d e lmj]s$ ^$ gd A & Fgd T8^8gd A & FgdC^gdj6gdC^ & Fgdj6 & Fgd50 & Fgd50gd50 & F 8^gdj6 m#MQhi  H\]s"=>Rz.01JV 0^_&'(FJɽhh)thhAh[0h8|hF%hKhO,h^> h^><hqNhXh,[h Thj6h AhC^Ds>?1( D`VWXj8^8gdf & Fgdj6 & Fgd T^gdj6 & Fgd T  Kj"$ACDKMNQ$&026\]_`UVdiѱhAhfh ThpLh$hAGhK-hah +hh`hmh< h:haqfh:haqfhO"h h1MhtK|hj6h)t121h:pj6/ =!"#$%   !"#$  F'Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q ]8O8m008@H DAV:getcontentlanguageen-usOh+'0Tl @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No ListH@H A Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ(4O`abudev/8Bdn]^delmj]s > ? 1 ( D`VWXj000000 000000 0 0e 0e 0e0 00 0 0 0 0B 00 00 0^0 0^ 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m0 0m 0m 0m0 0^0000000000000000   s8@0(  B S  ?5,55x5w5T5q*,CM8ٰ0l<W< ba:K-` N T)t28S$KFf 1M@PA`@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial5& zaTahoma"qh2f2f2fxx!24d2QHX)?502IDigital Production Studio Sharon Aikins,