ࡱ> =?> zbjbj 4 z  1111$U1JqqqqqLLLJJJJJJJLIOJULLUUJqqJsssUqqJsUJss?D0Cqy5L1^4A&JJ0JZAWP5WPL0CWP0C\L0|"sLLLJJQ"LLLJUUUUWPLLLLLLLLL : MINUTES University Wide Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Tuesday, September 29, 2009 16A Leonard Hall Call to Order Present: Craig, Hannibal, Hyde, Intemann, Lewis, McCombie, Mensch, Metz, Migyanka, Numan, Potts, Sechrist, Turner, Widdowson Excused: Crocker Unexcused: Krastin Approved Minutes from September 22, 2009 Curriculum Committee Meeting on a Potts/McCombie motion. Co-Chairs Report Sechrist reported that Dean Camp stated that the proposed trips in the Business Honors program were voluntary and would not impact a students grade, thus the committee agreed that we do not have to review the changes. Sechrist reviewed with the committee the new language in the distance education policies. Randy Martin in Criminology asked for clarification of 50% or more of the program requirements as to whether that means 50% of courses or credit hours. After discussion, the committee decided that credits made the most sense. Items for Review/Possible Action: Changes to the Distance Education Policies Approved on a Hannibal/McCombie motion (with one abstention) to make the following changes to the policies: 1) the dates when distance education proposals are due will be changed from Feb. 25 and Sept. 25 to Feb. 1 and Sept. 1, 2) on the first line under step one we will add after the signature pages, and 3) adding the word credit 50% or more of the program credit requirements on the third line of the Delivery of Undergraduate Programs Via Distance Education Technology policy. Honors College Report No report Liberal Studies Committee Report: No report 09-9c HRIM 150 Principles of Hospitality Management, distance education Approved on a Potts/Lewis motion. 09-26 LBST 499 The Global Village: People, Planet and Profits, distance education. Objectives need to be more explicit on how the objectives will be met through distance education, i.e. what technology will be used? 2C is a good example of what they should all look like. Also, hours need to be corrected or removed at module 5 (change 9 hours to 15), and clarify whether 61 is a D or an F. Returned on a Migyanka/Turner motion. 09-29 NURS 143 Healthy People, distance education Provisionally approved on a Lewis/Potts motion. Remove attendance policy on on-line syllabus. Suggested that course be set up based on modules rather than specific dates/assignments. Adjourned 4:51 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Chauna Craig ;BDNOPVWghivw  ! * 7 A C H I f Žwog_WOh4CJaJh[CJaJh-CJaJhCJaJhhdCJaJh6CJaJh0CJaJh nh;hQ:CJaJhjmlhQ:CJaJhyCJaJh^6OCJaJhjmlh^6OCJaJhsCJaJh CJaJh2LCJaJh\CJaJh4@"CJaJhaS7CJaJhjmlhyCJaJhCCJaJ;Whiw ! p gdy & Fgd'a & Fgd[ & F 8`gd4 & F 8`gd[gdQ:`gd;^gd; & F 8`gdQ: & Fgd^6O$a$gdy gdM@ J o p z + , L d p    / 0 ? 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