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A good rubric describes levels of quality for each of the criteria, usually on a point scale. Under mechanics, for example, the rubric might define the lowest level of performance as "many misspellings, grammar, and punctuation errors," and the highest level as "all words are spelled correctly; your work shows that you understand subject-verb agreement, when to make words possessive, and how to use commas, semicolons and periods." Why use rubrics? According to Andrade: They help students and teachers define "quality." When students use rubrics regularly to judge their own work, they begin to accept more responsibility for the end product. It cuts down on the "am I done yet?" questions. Rubrics reduce the time teachers spend grading student work and make it easier for teachers to explain to students why they got the grade they did and what they can do to improve. How to Create a Rubric:  HYPERLINK "http://712educators.about.com/library/howto/htrubric.htm" http://712educators.about.com/library/howto/htrubric.htm Make a list of what you want the students to accomplish through your assignment. Organize your list from most important to least important. Decide on an overall point value for the assignment. Assign each item on your ranked list a percentage value out of 100 percent. Multiply your total point value from step 3 by each item's assigned percentage to arrive at the point value for that item. On a fresh sheet of paper, write the name for each item on your list in order from most to least important. Make sure to leave room in between each category. Assign specific grading criteria for each main category from step six. Distribute or display the rubric to the students when you are explaining the assignment. Attach a copy of the rubric filled in with the student's scores to his/her graded work once it is completed. Tips: Definitely know what your categories will be before you make your assignment. The upfront time in creating the rubric more than pays off in the reduced time it takes to grade the assignment. Some Examples: Reference Book (attached) Instructional Lesson (attached) Creative Project (attached) Websites: RubiStar:  HYPERLINK "http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php" http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php RCampus.com:  HYPERLINK "http://www.rcampus.com/" http://www.rcampus.com/ Rubrics.com: http://www.rubrics.com/ (for purchase) Multiple Rubric sites:  HYPERLINK "http://home.nyc.rr.com/teachertools/Rubrics%20Websites.html" http://home.nyc.rr.com/teachertools/Rubrics%20Websites.html Or Just GOOGLE Rubrics!     PAGE  PAGE 1 ik    & . 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