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Heidi Goodrich, a rubrics expert, defines a rubric as "a scoring tool that lists the criteria for a piece of work or 'what counts.'" Rubrics help the student figure out how their work will be evaluated. Goodrich quotes a student who said he didn't much care for rubrics because "if you get something wrong, your teacher can prove you knew what you were supposed to do." How is a Rubric Designed? Rubrics specify the parameters of the worked being evaluated. They provide levels of performance expected for each parameter. The quality of work is defined in each cell of the table. The levels of performance may be written as different ratings Excellent, Good, Needs Improvement, or as numerical scores (e.g., 4, 3, 2, 1) which are then added up to form a total score which then is associated with a grade (e.g., A, B, C, etc). or many rubrics also specify the level of assistance (e.g., Independently, With Minimal Help; With Extensive Help) What is the purpose? Rubrics can help students and teachers define "quality". Rubrics can also help students judge and revise their own work before handing in their assignments. Rubrics can be both SUMMATIVE and FORMATIVE types of assessment Summative Rubrics are assigned numerical values and typically include a grade that is associated with the total points accrued Formative Rubrics have no numerical values and are used strictly to inform a student about work performance Why use Rubrics? They force you, as the instructor, to become extremely objective in your own definition of quality If you only have a gut feeling about what is great work vs. acceptable work, how is a student to know what is expected? They allow you the flexibility to work in ranges When using numerical values, you can either use a single discrete value or a range of values within each cell They make expected performance on a task salient for the student The student can actually choose their level of performance should they decide to do so There is no guess work for the instructor or the student The work either does or does not meet the level of performance indicated in each cell They are a safe way to develop new skills They are a safe way to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of material learned They allow for various modes of student performance (takes learning styles into account) They can be developed and used in ANY content area including the Fine Arts There are a number of rubric building sites; this is one of the easiest: RUBISTAR http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php Some Examples Ed-Cast Design & Functionality Scoring Rubric Inadequate Exceptional Dimension0-2 points3-5 points6-8 pointsScoreOriginality Ability to define objectives and explore learning techniques within the podcast; creativeProvides little or no evidence of stating learning objectives verbally or in writingDemonstrates some evidence of learning objectives verbally or in writingDemonstrates significant evidence of stating learning objectives verbally or in wiritingAesthetic Quality Sensitive to the principles of designing a podcast and successful completion of project criteria; creative; inventiveText and visuals (if provided) are too simplistic, cluttered and busy. Content does not support objectives. Little or no creativity or inventiveness present.Text and visuals relate to audio. Graphic elements reinforce content and demonstrate functionality.Skillful handling of text and visuals creates a unique and effective presentation. Overall, an effective and functional audio, text and visuals.Presentation Displays knowledge of field of study; voice is audible and clear; easy to follow course materialPoor display of knowledge of material. No attempt to manipulate timing, flow, transitions. Production errors not eliminated.Acceptable display of knowledge of material. No obvious errors. Elementary efforts to control timing, flow, transitions. Project meets the assignment criteria.Effort to achieve high production values is clear. Presentation approaches professional quality. Project goes beyond assignment criteria.Professionalism Ability to present material in a professional manner;Multiple instances of inappropriate communication.Basic communication but effectiveEffective verbal and written (text) communications.Sources/Citations Author(s) cite sources of information presentedOne or more citations not cited; multiple citation errorsAll sources cited; some citation errors or formatting errors notedSources are well researched and cited correctlyAccessibility All podcasts should be authored in accordanced with campus accessibility guidelines.Not accessible and no consideration of accessibility concerns.Errors and inconsistencies present in regards to campus guidelines and policiesCompletely compliant according to campus guidelines and policiesAdapted from communicating visually by Metros/Dehoney 2006 Source:  HYPERLINK "http://ed-cast.org/rubric.aspx" http://ed-cast.org/rubric.aspx A - Exemplary: 40-44 points B - Proficient: 36-39 points Partially Proficient or Incomplete: Needs to be resubmitted - less than 36 points PowerPoint Rubric ACTIVITYExemplary Proficient Partially Proficient Incomplete POINTSResearch and Note taking6 points Note cards indicate you accurately researched a variety of information sources, recorded and interpreted significant facts, meaningful graphics, accurate sounds and evaluated alternative points of view. 4 points Note cards show you recorded relevant information from multiple sources of information, evaluated and synthesized relevant information.2 points Note cards show you misinterpreted statements, graphics and questions and failed to identify relevant arguments.0 points Note cards show you recorded information from four or less resources, did not find graphics or sounds, and ignored alternative points of view. Preproduction Plan - Storyboard 6 points The storyboard illustrates the slide presentation structure with thumbnail sketches of each slide including: title of slide, text, background color, placement & size of graphic, fonts - color, size, type for text and headings, hyperlinks (list URLs of any site linked from the slide), narration text, and audio files (if any). All slides are numbered, and there is a logical sequence to the presentation. 4 points The thumbnail sketches on the storyboard include titles and text for each slide and are in sequential order. 2 points The thumbnail sketches on the storyboard are not in a logical sequence and have incomplete information. 0 points There a very few thumbnail sketches on the storyboard and do not provide an overview of the presentation.  Introduction3 points The introduction presents the overall topic and draws the audience into the presentation with compelling questions or by relating to the audience's interests or goals. 2 points The introduction is clear and coherent and relates to the topic.1 point The introduction shows some structure but does not create a strong sense of what is to follow. May be overly detailed or incomplete and is somewhat appealing to the audience.0 points The introduction does not orient the audience to what will follow. The sequencing is unclear and does not appear interesting or relevant to the audience. Content8 points The content is written clearly and concisely with a logical progression of ideas and supporting information. The project includes motivating questions and advanced organizers. The project gives the audience a clear sense of the main idea. Information is accurate, current and comes mainly from * primary sources. 6 points The content is written with a logical progression of ideas and supporting information. Includes persuasive information from reliable sources.4 points The content is vague in conveying a point of view and does not create a strong sense of purpose. Includes some persuasive information with few facts. Some of the information may not seem to fit. Sources used appear unreliable.0 points The content lacks a clear point of view and logical sequence of information. Includes little persuasive information and only one or two facts about the topic. Information is incomplete, out of date and/or incorrect. Sequencing of ideas is unclear. Text Elements3 points The fonts are easy-to-read and point size varies appropriately for headings and text. Use of italics, bold, and indentations enhances readability. Text is appropriate in length for the target audience and to the point. The background and colors enhance the readability of text. 2 points Sometimes the fonts are easy-to-read, but in a few places the use of fonts, italics, bold, long paragraphs, color or busy background detracts and does not enhance readability. 1 point Overall readability is difficult with lengthy paragraphs, too many different fonts, dark or busy background, overuse of bold or lack of appropriate indentations of text. 0 points The text is extremely difficult to read with long blocks of text and small point size of fonts, inappropriate contrasting colors, poor use of headings, subheadings, indentations, or bold formatting. Layout3 points The layout is visually pleasing and contributes to the overall message with appropriate use of headings, subheadings and white space.2 points The layout uses horizontal and vertical white space appropriately.1 point The layout shows some structure, but appears cluttered and busy or distracting with large gaps of white space or uses a distracting background.0 points The layout is cluttered, confusing, and does not use spacing, headings and subheadings to enhance the readability.  Citations6 points Sources of information are properly cited so that the audience can determine the credibility and authority of the information presented. All sources of information are clearly identified and credited using MLA citations throughout the project. 4 points Most sources of information use proper MLA citation, and sources are documented to make it possible to check on the accuracy of information.2 points Sometimes copyright guidelines are followed and some information, photos and graphics do not use proper MLA citations.0 points No way to check validity of information. Graphics, Sound and/or Animation3 points The graphics, sound and/or animation assist in presenting an overall theme and enhance understanding of concept, ideas and relationships. Original images are created using proper size and resolution, and all images enhance the content. There is a consistent visual theme.2 points The graphics, sound/and or animation visually depict material and assist the audience in understanding the flow of information or content. Original images are used. Images are proper size, resolution.1 point Some of the graphics, sounds, and/or animations seem unrelated to the topic/theme and do not enhance the overall concepts. Most images are clipart or recycled from the WWW. Images are too large/small in size. Images are poorly cropped or the color/resolution is fuzzy.0 points The graphics, sounds, and/or animations are unrelated to the content. Graphics do not enhance understanding of the content, or are distracting decorations that create a busy feeling and detract from the content. Writing Mechanics6 points The text is written with no errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. 4 points The text is clearly written with little or no editing required for grammar, punctuation, and spelling.2 points Spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors distract or impair readability. (3 or more errors)0 points Errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, usage and grammar repeatedly distract the reader and major editing and revision is required. (more than 5 errors) TOTAL POINTS /44 Source:  HYPERLINK "http://www.uwstout.edu/soe/profdev/pptrubric.html" http://www.uwstout.edu/soe/profdev/pptrubric.html Teaching-Collaborative Practicum Effort and Improvement Rubric Name ______________________________ Semester _____________________ ParameterTargetAcceptableUnacceptableLesson Plan Writing Lessons are consistently written completely and behaviorally with a weekly point score Lessons are complete but not behavioral or detailed enough in content- improvement is showing in these areas with weekly point score Lessons are incomplete, or not behavioral; little improvement is shown with weekly point score Data Collection and Analysis of Student Performance Based on Assessment and Data Consistently utilizes and maintains appropriate forms of data collection for each session; Uses data for progress monitoring, in reflections and in report to teacher and for instructional planning Collects and maintains appropriate data for at least 7 of the sessions; Uses data inconsistently for progress monitoring and instructional planning; reports data in reflections and to teacher Does not collect or maintain data or utilizes inappropriate forms of data; Does not use data for progress monitoring and instructional planning or does not report data to teacher or in reflectionsTeaching skills Consistently shows growth in the use of content pedagogy skills; develops flexibility and the ability to shift gears when necessary Showing slow but steady improvement in the use of content pedagogy skills; still struggles in changing direction when necessaryShowing little effort in attempts to improve teaching performance; is not aware of student level of understandingMaterial Development Consistently develops a variety of engaging and developmentally appropriate instructional activities and tasks Improving in material development but still over estimates or underestimates performance ability level of student or little variety in activities Materials are unprofessional in appearance or are not appropriate to the task or developmental level of the student Communication skills Establishes quick rapport with the student and communicates smoothly and effectively in the preferred mode; is able to code-switch with little effort Establishes a cooperative rapport with the student but is hesitant in communicating in the preferred mode; is able to code-switch with some effortHas little rapport with student; does not understand students preferred mode or does not communicate effectively in preferred mode; unable to code switch Collaboration with Teacher Provides reports to teacher on time and requests additional information about student performance in classroom Provides reports to teacher on time; little additional interactionsReports are late or not provided at all; no interactions with teacherProfessionalismDresses in a professional manner as defined in syllabus; models appropriate hygiene behaviors; interacts with peers and other colleagues in an adult and professional manner Dresses 1 time inappropriately as defined in syllabus; models inappropriate hygiene behaviors; interacts with peers and other colleagues in a casual manner Dresses inappropriately more than once as defined in syllabus; models unclean hygiene behaviors; interacts with peers and other colleagues in an inappropriate manner Additional Comments: Source: Diane Klein Your Turn Create Your Own 4x3 Rubric     Klein-NFO 2009- Rubric Session -  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 0 #:;U~   ) * = p r z {   F H I hqCJaJhh/9CJaJhh/95CJaJhhqCJaJhh5CJaJhhq5CJaJhhCJ$aJ$hqCJ0aJ0hglCJ0aJ0hqh]K5CJ0aJ0hqhq5CJ0aJ0hqhqCJ0aJ0-#;VW~$d$Ifa$gdd$Ifgd $da$gdm$$a$gdqI ^PPPPPd$Ifgdkd$$Ifl\H$Z Z Z Z t0644 layt = > q ^PPPPPd$Ifgdkd$$Ifl\H$Z Z Z Z t0644 laytq r {  G ^PPPPPd$Ifgdkd*$$Ifl\H$Z Z Z Z t0644 laytG H I Y ^YQQQCCd$Ifgd/9$a$gd/9gdqkd$$Ifl\H$Z Z Z Z t0644 laytI Y Z f  @ A ຤zcOcO;cOc'h_.B*CJ,OJPJQJ^JaJ,ph'h/9B*CJ,OJPJQJ^JaJ,ph-h/9h/9B*CJ,OJPJQJ^JaJ,ph 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