Woman superimposed in front of light blue backdrop with the word "jobs" in the background

Become a Secondary Career and Technical Administrator

Career and technical administrators are responsible for managing a diverse group of tasks, students, faculty, and staff. They are instrumental in helping others achieve growth, satisfaction, and success, with the ultimate objective of improving instruction.

Administrative directors are responsible for long-range planning, effectively promoting community involvement, providing sound business and financial management, and providing facilities with state-of-the-art equipment.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education requires all individuals employed as administrative directors in state-approved career and technical education centers to hold a state-issued administrator certificate.

Imagine Your Future

This standards-based program prepares students for leadership positions in secondary education as directors of career and technical education, either in a career and technical center or a school district. This is a growing area of need, especially in Pennsylvania. Ä¢¹½tv is the approved provider for administrator certification in western Pennsylvania.

Classes and Requirements

All classwork is delivered online using videoconferencing technology. Students will work closely with a sponsoring school administrator in their region to complete in-person field experiences in the CTE setting.

The program includes 500 hours of authentic simulation and field or internship experiences, which are embedded throughout the program. This approach allows students to gain valuable field experience every step of the way, all while learning the related theory.

This 24-graduate-credit certification program is designed to be completed in two years.

Successful completion of all PDE-required tests and all classes with a 3.0 GPA is required.

For Career and Technical Administrative Director certification, students are required to successfully complete the PRAXIS School Leadership Licensure Assessment (SLLA). Visit for more information.

Full Academic Catalog Listing

The course catalog is the official reference for all our degree and course offerings. Check it out for a full listing of the classes available and requirements for this degree.

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Admission Criteria

  1. Meet the admission requirements of the Ä¢¹½tv School of Graduate Studies and Research 
  2. Letter of support from career and technical administrator indicating willingness to assist the candidate with field experiences
  3. Résumé indicating a minimum of three years of relevant professional experience in a Career and Technical Education School

Program Completion and Certification

PDE will issue the Career and Technical Administrative Certification to students who

  1. have a bachelor’s degree,
  2. satisfy the requirements in section 24 P.S. § 12-1209,
  3. have a minimum of three years of relevant professional experience in a Career and Technical Education school,
  4. completed the approved program of graduate study, and
  5. presented evidence of satisfactory achievement on the PRAXIS School Leadership Licensure Assessment.