These reporting forms are for non-emergency reporting only. If any person may be in danger, call 911 immediately. For urgent emotional/mental health matters, please call the Crisis Intervention 24/7 Hotline at 988 or 1-877-333-2470.
Reports submitted through the links below are addressed through a coordinated university approach. Based on the type of report, you may be contacted for additional information. Anonymous reporting is available for certain University Police and Sexual Misconduct incidents—though these are permitted, please note that doing so may limit the university's ability to investigate and/or respond.
A Note About Retaliation: Ä¢¹½tv strictly prohibits retaliation against any individual who makes a good faith report of suspected wrongful conduct or participates in an investigation, hearing, or inquiry. Retaliatory behavior should be reported and will be addressed through the appropriate university process.
Non-Emergency Report Options
1. Care Team Reports
Students, faculty, and staff who have concerns about a student experiencing academic, health, personal crisis, financial distress, and/or concerning observed behaviors should contact the Care Team: Office of the Dean of Students: 724-357-1254.
Reports made are for non-emergency student care concerns only.
2. Sexual Misconduct Reports
The Sexual Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy provides definitions, reporting guidelines, and complaint resolution procedures. It is applicable to all students and employees of the university, as well as designated volunteers, contractors, and vendors. All have a duty to report, unless designated as having legal privilege or are appointed with confidentiality (e.g., licensed counselors, clinical psychologists, medical personnel, some Counseling Center and athletics staff). Resources and support services are available to the university community.
An anonymous reporting option is available. Reportable violations may include:
- Sexual and gender-based harassment
- Non-consensual sexual contact
- Non-consensual sexual intercourse
- Sexual exploitation or exposure
- Sexual assault/sexual violence
- Relationship/dating/domestic violence
- Stalking
- Other sexual misconduct
Reports made are for non-emergency sexual misconduct incidents only.
3. Identity-Based Bias or Discrimination Reports
Reports involving acts of bias, intolerance, discrimination, harassment, and/or incivility based on identity are evaluated and responded to by the Social Equity and Title IX Office. Please also refer to the Ä¢¹½tv Nondiscrimination Policy and the Ä¢¹½tv Statement of Nondiscrimination.
Reportable incidents of bias/discrimination may include:
- Affiliations
- Age
- Appearance
- Beliefs
- Disability
- Ethnic origin
- Gender expression
- Gender identity
- National origin
- Race
- Religion
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
- Veteran status
Reports made are for non-emergency discrimination incidents only.
4. Community Standards Reports
All Ä¢¹½tv students and student organizations are to abide by expectations of responsible behavior, civility, and respect as established in the Code of Student Conduct. Anyone may submit a student conduct referral involving a student. Refer to the Office of Community Standards: 724-357-1254.
Reportable violations may include:
- Alcohol/drugs/other controlled substances: Including illegal possession/use, furnishing, misuse
- Harmful conduct/harassment: Including violence, threats, coercion, stalking, disorderly behavior
- Community safety: Including tampering with safety alarms, arson, weapons/explosives
- Property: Including theft, destruction/damage, unauthorized entry
- Noncompliance: Including violations of university rules, regulations, and sanctions
- Complicity: Including active encouragement of conduct violations
- Other: Including violations of federal, state, or local laws and regulations
- Hazing: Refer to the Ä¢¹½tv Anti-Hazing Policy
Reports made are for non-emergency student conduct incidents only.
5. University Police Reports
- Anonymous Reporting Form
- Campus Crime or Incident Report
- Ä¢¹½tv Student or Visitor Injury Report
- Information on Apple AirTags (pdf)
- Further Information: University Police, 724-357-2141
6. Human Resources Reports
The Office of Human Resources, 724-357-2431, provides multiple employee services.
Reports to this office may include:
- Ä¢¹½tv Employee Injury Report
- Workplace conflict: Including those between two or more Ä¢¹½tv employees
- Reports of employee misconduct or concerns: Not related to discriminatory behavior or sexual misconduct
7. Academic Integrity Reports
Any issues occurring within a classroom, class-related activity, or class-related function fall within the Academic Integrity Policy and are referred to the Provost's Office. Contact Holly Olexo at 724-357-3001 or
Issues include:
- Student grade appeals
- Plagiarism/fabrication/cheating/academic dishonesty
- Technological misconduct
- Facilitating academic integrity violations
- Classroom misconduct/unethical or hazardous behavior
8. Other Incidents of Concern
If your concern is not addressed by the reporting options above, please .