English Studies: Make Your Way with Words
If you have a love for all things English, Ä¢¹½tv has the major for you. Our English major offers specializations in Literature and Culture, Writing Studies, New Media Literacy, and English Education as four distinct pathways to immerse yourself in the literary arts. You’ll gain a solid foundation in literature and language and graduate with a host of abilities that will help you stand out as you build your career or continue your studies.
Your Story Starts Here
The English Department has four distinct specializations that allow you to tailor your bachelor's degree to your interests and goals, including:
- Literature and Culture: Analyze and appreciate all kinds of literary art—from ancient myths to graphic novels and digital texts. Draw on a variety of perspectives, ideas, and critical questions as lenses to interpret, and critique literary texts.
- Writing Studies: Study the theory and practice of writing in a variety of genres, and be well-prepared for a career as a writer.
- New Media Literacy: Focus on the study of interactive digital writing, media, and film, so you're able to identify the unique aesthetic, formal, material, and symbolic qualities of new media and digital texts.
- English Education (English Studies, BA + Secondary English Teaching Certificate): Become an effective, confident English teacher who knows how to make literacy meaningful for each of your students. This program leads to Pennsylvania state certification to teach English Language Arts for students in grades 7–12.
Why Major in Literature and Culture or Writing Studies at Ä¢¹½tv?
The Ä¢¹½tv English program is well respected throughout the world.
- Our faculty strive to create an atmosphere of respect. You'll have opportunities to speak up and share your perspective through discussions as well as creative and scholarly projects. Learn from caring professors who are themselves active scholars and literary artists.
- Our students have a passion for the language arts. Learn with classmates who are outstanding writers, speakers, researchers, and critical readers.
- Our program is committed to preparing you to become an accomplished writer and speaker, and you'll learn to work well with diverse collaborators and for diverse audiences. You’ll utilize the same digital authoring and research tools found in creative studios and businesses.
Imagine Your Future
Earning your BA in Literature and Culture or BA in Writing Studies prepares you for a multitude of rewarding careers. You might go on to nourish your imagination and express your creativity as a writer, inform others through the written and spoken word as a journalist, or share your love of reading and writing with others as a teacher.
Many of these career opportunities have an added benefit of work that can be done online. Plus, many of these positions are seeing projected above-average job growth rates.
Career Opportunities
- Book author
- Brand strategist
- Digital copywriter
- Digital production manager
- Editor
- Freelance writer
- English teacher
- Grant writer
- Journalist
- Lawyer
- Librarian
- Literacy coach
- Medical writer
- Museum curator
- News analyst
- Researcher
- Social media director
- Technical writer
- University professor
- Video game story editor
Median Annual Salaries
Book author
English teacher
Museum curator
Technical writer
University professor
Classes and Requirements
Choose a track based on your interests—BA in Literature and Culture, or BA in Writing Studies—with support from our advising team as you progress. No matter which English major you choose, you’ll have an interdisciplinary experience, drawing on a variety of ideas and perspectives as lenses for appreciating, interpreting, and critiquing literary texts.
What You’ll Learn
Take a combination of required and elective courses as a BA in Literature and Culture or BA in Writing Studies major. You’ll pursue intensive writing practice and foster your interests through electives and extracurriculars, including foreign languages.
As you read great literature and become more familiar with diverse cultures and traditions, you’ll find your worldview expand. You'll hone your ability to speak and write your own truth, and you'll become confident using language effectively—all important skills you can use in any field. Earning your degree is just the beginning; your time as an English major at Ä¢¹½tv will help you become a lifelong learner.
Full Academic Catalog Listing
The course catalog is the official reference for all our degree and course offerings. Check it out for a full listing of the classes available and requirements for this degree.
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Double Majors
Majors that make good double majors when combined with an English degree:
- Anthropology
- Foreign Language
- History
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- Theater and Design
- STEM Majors
Facts to Know
Here are just a few reasons why you can feel good about choosing an English major at Ä¢¹½tv.
- Join the more than 160 talented students in our program and become part of an inspiring group.
- Learn from our faculty: published scholars and literary artists who share your passions.
- Find a supportive environment that fosters your academic success and career exploration.
Organizations for English Majors
National Council of Teachers of English: NCTE Ä¢¹½tv
Organization for English Education Majors
Advisor: Dr. Dana Driscoll (ddriscol@iup.edu)
Sigma Tau Delta Honor Society
Upper level English honors group
Advisor: Dr. Daniel J. Weinstein (daniel.weinstein@iup.edu)
New Growth Arts Review Editorial Board
Organization which publishes a literary magazine for Ä¢¹½tv
Advisors: Dr. Chauna Craig (ccraig@iup.edu) and Dr. John Yu Branscum (jbcs@iup.edu)
Award Opportunities
You have a lot to look forward to at Ä¢¹½tv, including opportunities to share and showcase your creativity.
Picture yourself competing in the annual writing contest, showcasing your original poetry, fiction, critical essay, or lesson plan. Contest winners and outstanding English majors (students with 3.5 GPAs or higher) are recognized at an award ceremony each spring.
Stretch Your Skills
You’ll have opportunities throughout your time at Ä¢¹½tv to put your skills to the test as a working professional or scholar.
Gain professional writing experience or pursue another English-related role your junior or senior year through an internship. English majors have interned with a wide range of organizations, including:
- Law firms
- Libraries
- Local Fox News affiliate
- Marvel Comics
- Pittsburgh Penguins
Internships can be completed for 3–12 credits or for pay. Contact Daniel J. Weinstein, English Internship Coordinator, at daniel.weinstein@iup.edu for details.
Scholarly Showcases
Present an original paper at the Ä¢¹½tv Undergraduate Scholars Forum, or at the English Association of the Pennsylvania State Universities' (EAPSU) Pennsylvania State English Undergraduate Conference, where you can also meet and connect with other English majors from across Pennsylvania.
Minor in Literature and Culture or Writing Studies
Whether you’re looking to pursue an interest, add marketable skills to your resume, or advance your literacy, consider adding an English Minor to your Ä¢¹½tv education.
Contact Daniel Weinstein, English Minor Coordinator, at daniel.weinstein@iup.edu to sign up.
Full Academic Catalog Listing
The course catalog is the official reference for all our degree and course offerings. Check it out for a full listing of the classes available and requirements for this degree.
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Film Studies Emphasis
Because literary and film studies share many of the same principles, we strongly recommend (but do not require) ENGL 122 Literary Analysis. ENGL 208 The Art of the Film is required since it's a prerequisite for several other film courses:
- ENGL 332 Film Genres
- ENGL 450 Film Theory
- ENGL 440 Major Figures in Film
- ENGL 460 Topics in Film
In addition, particular offerings such as ENGL 399 Global Genres may also concentrate on film and would contribute to a minor with an emphasis in Film Studies.
With the exception of ENGL 208, these courses are not offered every semester, so you'll need to plan carefully to complete your 18-credit minor. Although we prefer that all your courses be fulfilled through the English department, we will consider accepting a relevant three-credit course from another department.
Keep in mind that these are only examples and suggestions. You are free to take a more"pick and choose"route to your minor in English as long as you keep in mind that many upper-level courses do have prerequisites to consider.
Literature Emphasis
English 122 Literary Analysis is a prerequisite for most of the literature courses. Most majors take it in lieu of ENGL 121 Humanities Literature (that is, as a Liberal Studies requirement), which you may do, too. Whether you take ENGL 122 instead of ENGL 121, you will still need 15 additional English course credits. If you have already taken ENGL 121 and want to concentrate on literature, you will be taking ENGL 122 as part of that 15-credit requirement (that is, ENGL 122 plus 12 more English credits).
Being in an upper-level course without enough literary background would put you at a disadvantage, so you also need to take at least one survey course for a minor with an emphasis in literature. Choose your survey wisely so that it can function as a foundation for your other literature courses. The four survey courses to choose from are:
- ENGL 210 British Literature to 1660
- ENGL 211 British Literature 1660-1900
- ENGL 212 American Literature to 1900
- ENGL 213 British and American Literature Since 1900
If you are interested in American Literature, for example, your minor curriculum might look like this:
- ENGL 122 Literary Analysis
- ENGL 212 American Literature to 1900
- ENGL 317 American Literature 1880-1940
- ENGL 348 African-American Literature
- ENGL 436 Major American Authors
Another option is to relate the minor to your major; if you're majoring in Spanish, for example, your minor curriculum might look like this:
- ENGL 122 Literary Analysis
- ENGL 213 British and American Literature since 1900
- ENGL 344 Ethnic American Literature
- ENGL 394 19th Century European Novel in Translation
- ENGL 396 Literature of Emerging Nations
Or, you might be interested in other ways of concentrating; for example, an emphasis on women's literature might look like this (and also require only six more credits in Women's Studies to become a minor in that as well):
- ENGL 122 Literary Analysis
- ENGL 213 British and American Literature since 1900
- ENGL 225 Introduction to Literature by Women
- ENGL 336 Language, Gender and Society
- ENGL 385 Advanced Women's Literature
An emphasis in global literature might look like this:
- ENGL 122 Literary Analysis
- ENGL 213 British and American Literature since 1900
- ENGL 396 Global Literature
- ENGL 397 Global Authors
- ENGL 398 Global Genres
And an emphasis in mythology might look like this:
- ENGL 122 Literary Analysis
- ENGL 210 British Literature to 1660
- ENGL 337 Myth
- ENGL 338 Oral Literature
- ENGL 354 Classical Literature in Translation
And here's a final example of a minor with an emphasis in literature, one that concentrates on critical theory:
- ENGL 122 Literary Analysis
- ENGL 208 The Art of the Film
- ENGL 213 British and American Literature since 1900
- ENGL 356 Film Theory
- ENGL 401 Advanced Theory and Criticism
Keep in mind that these are only examples and suggestions, You are free to take a more"pick and choose"route to your minor in English—as long as you keep in mind that many upper-level courses do have prerequisites to consider.
Pre-Law Emphasis
Gain knowledge, explore values, and develop core skills in the English Pre-Law program at Ä¢¹½tv.
- Prepare legal forms, pleadings, memoranda, and other written documents
- Analyze and critically examine a diverse range of communication
- Practice oral and written argument
- Understand the use of legal terminology
- Practice research methods and document evaluation
- Consider how literature and storytelling fit into law
With a Pre-Law English minor, one of your required liberal studies courses, ENGL 121 Humanities Literature, already counts. Just choose five additional courses, two of which are 300-level or above. Not all your courses have to be pre-law. Some you might consider:
- ENGL 227 Introduction to Legal Writing
- ENGL 265 Law and Literature
- ENGL 212 American Literature
- ENGL 222 Technical Writing
- ENGL 301 Public Speaking
- ENGL 313 Rhetorical Trends and Traditions
- ENGL 321 Persuasive Speech and Writing
- ENGL 421 Digital Writing
- ENGL 493 Internship
STEM Emphasis
STEM is an acronym that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. For students whose major is in these fields, an English minor can usefully enhance the study of STEM-focused subjects with valuable, career-ready communication skills, including the following:
- Analysis and critical examination of diverse communication forms
- Oral and written communication and argument
- Use of critical terminology
- Research methods and document evaluation
- Critical thinking and analytical reasoning
- Editing and revising
- Analytical and evaluative reporting
- Digital writing and electronic media
- Audience or customer analysis
The following courses are recommended for an English minor tailored to STEM majors:
ENGL 222 Technical Writing
ENGL 310 Public Speaking
ENGL 321 Persuasive Speech and Writing
ENGL 220 Advance Composition
ENGL 360 Editing and Publishing
ENGL 421 Digital Writing
Keep in mind that these are only examples and suggestions. You are free to take a more "pick and choose" route to your minor in English as long as you keep in mind that many upper-level courses do have prerequisites to consider.
Teaching Emphasis
Minor in English with a Focus on teaching
- Are you pursuing teacher certification?
- Do you want to know more about teaching reading and writing?
- Are you interested in adding English Language Arts certification to an existing certification after you graduate?
The Program
This minor is designed to introduce you to key teaching concepts while also providing content knowledge relevant to teaching middle and high school English. Minoring in English with a focus on teaching is an ideal option if you are already working toward certification in your major but are interested in adding an additional certification after you graduate. It can also help prepare you to teach abroad after graduation. This mix of courses enables you to learn ways to foster your students' literacy in any subject while also deepening your understanding of literature, reading, and writing.
Course Selections
Introductory Course:
ENGL 122 Introduction to English Studies
OR substitute ENGL 121 Humanities Literature
Choose two literacy courses:
ENGL 314 Speech and Communication in the Secondary Classroom
ENGL 323 Teaching of Reading and Literature in the Secondary School
ENGL 324 Teaching and Evaluating Writing
Choose one language course:
ENGL 415 English Language Studies for Teachers
ENGL 426 ESL (English as a Second Language) Methods and Materials
Choose one survey course:
ENGL 210 British Literature to 1660
ENGL 211 British Literature 1660-1900
ENGL 212 American Literature to 1900
ENGL 213 British/American Literature 1900-Present
Choose one 300/400 level literature course:
Some possibilities include . . .
ENGL 340 The Novel
ENGL 341 Poetry
ENGL 342 Short Fiction
ENGL 348 African American Literature
ENGL 396 Literature of Emerging Nations
ENGL 418 Young Adult Literature
Daniel J. Weinstein, Director of Bachelor of Arts in English:
Writing Emphasis
There are various ways of emphasizing writing. If your interest is in creative writing, your minor curriculum might include courses like these:
- ENGL 122 Literary Analysis
- ENGL 221 Creative Writing
- ENGL 325 Creative Writing: Poetry or ENGL 326 Creative Writing: Fiction
- ENGL 327 Writing Creative Non-Fiction
- ENGL 347 Playwriting
- ENGL 421 Digital Writing
While neither ENGL 122 nor the genre courses are required for such an emphasis, studying the analysis of literature can prove invaluable to the creation of poetry and fiction. Genre courses include:
- ENGL 335 Literary Nonfiction
- ENGL 340 The Novel
- ENGL 341 Poetry
- ENGL 342 Short Fiction
- ENGL 343 Drama
If your major is in journalism, communications and media, or political science (among others), your minor with an emphasis in non-literary writing might include these courses:
- ENGL 220 Advanced Composition I
- ENGL 320 Advanced Composition II
- ENGL 322 Technical Writing I
- ENGL 420 Special Writing Applications
- ENGL 421 Digital Writing
- ENGL 422 Technical Writing II
Keep in mind that these are only examples and suggestions. You are free to take a more"pick and choose"route to your minor in English—as long as you keep in mind that many upper-level courses do have prerequisites to consider.
English Honors Program
The honors program is open by departmental permission to declared English majors with a minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA and a 3.5 GPA in English courses.
To apply, students must submit a letter of application and a list of English courses taken (with instructors’ names) to the chairperson of the Honors Track program. To be accepted, students must receive favorable evaluations from a majority of professors of courses taken and approval by the Honors Track program committee.
Full Academic Catalog Listing
The course catalog is the official reference for all our degree and course offerings. Check it out for a full listing of the classes available and requirements for this degree.
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Advising for English Majors
All English majors and minors will have an English advisor who is assigned by the department.
Meeting People and Making Friends
The English Department hosts regular social events for English majors and minors.
English clubs (NCTE chapter, Sigma Tau Delta International English Honors Society Chapter, the New Growth Arts Review student-run literary magazine) are a good way to socialize around English-related activities and projects.
Getting Help from Professors
All faculty in the English Department schedule regular office hours when you can visit them to discuss your coursework. They will also answer your questions by email.
The undergraduate catalog has detailed course listings for each specialization of the English major.