Padasak Selected as Ģtv Environmental Health and Safety Director
Carly Padasak, a safety professional experienced in both the private and education sectors, has been selected to serve as Ģtv’s environmental health and safety director.
The Administration and Finance Division provides the Ģtv community with a variety of services to sustain a positive learning and working environment.
Our employees can be found working campuswide maintaining university facilities and grounds, assisting students and parents in the Bursar's office, helping employees in Human Resources and Payroll offices, and ensuring the overall safety of the campus.
We encourage you to peruse our website for a better understanding of the services provided by the Administration and Finance Division. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact one of our offices.
Administration and Finance Strategic Plan 2015-20
Long-Range Campus Facilities Master Plan
The Administration and Finance Division launches efforts on a comprehensive long-range campus facilities master plan.
Reporting Fraud or Irregular Activities
The reporting and investigation of fraud or irregular activities has been well defined by the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education through the Office of Internal Audit and Risk Assessment in its Administrative Directive 1991-06.01.
AF News, Vol. IX, Issue 3, February 2018
A&F NEWS Volume IX, Issue 3 February 2018 IN THIS EDITION... Kovalchick Complex News 2 Co-Op to Procurement Process 3 Tips for Excel Users 4 Nuclear Threat: What to Do? 6 White Release Doves 8 Relay for Life 10 In Transition 11 2 Kovalchick Complex News By Kristen Kaltreider, Kovalchick Complex Marketing Manager The Ko