Climbing the ladder of success can create various challenges for women. Ä¢¹½tv is fortunate to have several women in major administrative leadership roles. Join them for a round table discussion as they share their insights as to how women can help one another succeed.
Panel Presenters include Lara Luetkehans, Patricia McCarthy, Malaika Turner, and Elise Glenn.
The series is open to all and can be attended in person or on Zoom.
- Sign in with your Ä¢¹½tv Zoom account. Zoom code: 97869071565
Light refreshments will be available at 4:15 p.m.
Sponsored by: Center for Health and Well-Being, Office of the Provost, Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, Women's and Gender Studies Program, President's Commission on the Status of Women, Office of Social Equity, University College, Collegiate Women in Progress, and Panhellenic Association.
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