Speak Out 2019 in the HUB Ohio RoomWe invite you to join the Ä¢¹½tv Haven Project as we show our support for survivors of sexual assault during Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

Due to the current situation with COVID-19, we were unable to hold our annual Take Back the Night March and Speak Out this past week.

Photos from 2019 Take Back the Night March and Speak Out

One way to show our continued support is to attend the Virtual Speak Out and let survivors know that others care and are there to listen. All of the stories were anonymously submitted and will be read by the Haven Project.

Take Back The Night 2019 March and SpeakOutHaven Project Virtual Speak Out

When: Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Time: 5:00 p.m.

Location: Ä¢¹½tv Haven Project's social media and website:

  • Facebook: Ä¢¹½tv Haven Project
  • Twitter: @Ä¢¹½tvHaven
  • Instagram: @Ä¢¹½tvHaven
  • Haven Project website

The Haven Project will continue to share educational information, resources, tips, and provide support for the Ä¢¹½tv community throughout this challenging time. Please feel free to follow the Haven Project on social media to continue receiving our content. We hope you will join us on April 15 at 5:00 p.m.

Questions? Please contact the Haven Project at 724-357-3947 or haven-project@iup.edu.