The Escalation Workshop is a film-based experience that educates about the warning signs of an abusive relationship, creating a safe zone for discussing an all-too-common problem.
Escalation is a compelling film that tells the story of an abusive relationship from its sweet beginning to the tragic end. The film enables viewers to understand the more nuanced signs of relationship abuse as well as how important it is for friends to step in if they see these behaviors.
- Date: Monday, February 12
- Time: 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
- Location: Elkin Hall Great Room
This is a workshop that is facilitated by the Ä¢¹½tv Haven Project.
Trigger Warning: The film displays dating violence behaviors and may elicit strong feelings.
Stay connected with the Haven Project for the latest information on upcoming events:
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Sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking are difficult topics. Resources are available. You are not alone.
- * (24/7 hotline) - 724-349-4444
- The Haven Project- 724-357-3947
- Ä¢¹½tv Counseling Center* - 724-357-2621
- University Police - 724-357-2141
- Office of Community Standards - 724-357-1264
- Title IX Coordinator - 724-357-3402
- LGBTQIA Support - 724-357-2598
*confidential resources