Governor Wolf continues to classify , which means that the stay-at-home order remains in place.

In our April 21 communication to you, we said that we did not expect any staffing changes through at least May 8 (the date set by the Governor for the extension of his stay-at-home order).That remains true for the foreseeable future, especially in light of cancellation of summer face-to-face instruction, camps and conferences.

Bringing a large number of employees to campus is not in the best interest of your health and safety while we continue to be in the red phase. In the Governor's plan, even when counties are classified in the yellow and green phases, social distancing requirements remain in place. This will have a significant impact on the way that we do business to keep our Ä¢¹½tv community safe and healthy as we move forward.

Please know that we continue to recognize and value your skills and abilities and all that you do for Ä¢¹½tv. Ä¢¹½tv leadership is evaluating what projects should move forward and the staffing needs required for these projects, including how residence halls may be occupied for the fall semester.

As staff are needed to begin the fall semester, we will follow established union procedures (seniority) to bring staff back to campus, while following safety procedures and protocols to protect you and your families.

Employees who are not able to work on campus or telecommute can continue to use liberal leave or LWOP with benefits.

As more becomes known, we will be making additional decisions. We will continue to update staff both individually as needed, as well as on the Human Resources website.

Please stay safe and continue to practice social distancing.