Banner with dialogue bubbles filled with Instructional Design icons such as "D2L," a gear, a lightbulb, and an accessibility symbol.

Instructional Design Supports are available to all Ä¢¹½tv instructors, administrators, and managers. These supports can be accessed through D2L Help, Center for Teaching Excellence and IT services.  

D2L Direct Phone Support 866-840-1549 

D2L Virtual Assistant symbol

D2L Help

For help with the D2L Learning Management System, faculty, staff, and students can go directly to D2L’s technical support, including virtual and live agents.


Center for Teaching Excellence

For help related to teaching methods, faculty can look to the Center for Teaching Excellence. CTE provides consultations, trainings, and workshops.


IT Services

For support with instructional technology, faculty and staff can look to IT Services. Technical support includes enrollment requests, course creation, LMS administrative, and publisher integration.


For resources to support course development and management.