Understanding and Responding to Violence and Trauma: A Community Health Initiative
May 20-23, 2014, at Ä¢¹½tv
This cross-disciplinary conference will provide an in-depth focus on prevention, response, and coping with violence and trauma in the context of families, schools, medical settings, workplace, and in the military. For each of the four days of training, breakout sessions will include panels focused on both research and skill-building. Daily panels within the larger conference are organized according to subthemes. Many C.E. workshops will be offered in the evenings, including ones that cover professional ethics.
Attendees can select from single day or full conference registration options.
- Full Conference: $150
- Per Day: $50
- Ä¢¹½tv Students: $25 per day
- Students enrolled in PSYC 481, SOC 481, PSYC 981, or SOC 781/881: Free*
*Please contact the Office of Adult and Continuing Education for registration: 724-357-2292
Sponsored by the Ä¢¹½tv Mid-Atlantic Research and Training Institute (MARTI) and the Ä¢¹½tv Center for Applied Psychology (CAP)
Presentation Schedule
Hotel Accommodations
Private suites on campus are available at the rate of $34 per night. Suite housing is an option on the .
Keynote Speakers:
David Finkelhor - Director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center; renowned advocate and expert on child victimization, child maltreatment, and family violence
Ed Gondolf - Former director of Research at MARTI, founding president of Domestic Abuse Counseling Center of Pittsburgh, and expert evaluator of batterer intervention program
Coreen Farris - Associate behavioral scientist at the Rand Corporation, expert researcher on military sexual trauma, and program evaluator for psychological health following a military deployment
Nan Stein - Senior research scientist at Wellesley Centers for Women; director of national research projects on sexual harassment, gender violence, and bullying in schools
Victor Vieth - Director of the National Child Protection Training Center; acclaimed trainer of child-protection professionals on numerous topics pertaining to child abuse investigations, prosecutions, and prevention
Conference Sub-Themes: Violence Prevention, Immediate Responses to Violence, Reducing Trauma in Victims, Special Populations: Military, School/Child, Elderly, Dating, Suicide
Call for Papers
We are inviting researchers on violence and trauma from all disciplines including: education, psychology, sociology, social work, counseling, family studies, nursing and health profession, and military studies to submit research papers or posters to be included in the conference regula sessions. In particular, we are seeking research papers that provide insight to preventing, responding, and coping with trauma and violence in a variety of social contexts. Research subtopics can include, but are not limited to, school violence and bullying, sexual and dating violence, child and elder abuse, military trauma, and LGBT abuse and bullying.