Founded in 1988, the Mid-Atlantic Research and Training Institute for Community and Behavioral Health (MARTI) is one of the first 40-plus centers and institutes at Ä¢¹½tv (Ä¢¹½tv). For decades, MARTI has been a powerhouse organized around a consortium of academic and professional experts in the field of alcohol abuse treatment, domestic violence intervention, and related mental health issues.
Since 2012, the institute's new director, associate director, and research associates have expanded the institute's early focus to include new initiatives—among them, alcohol and drug research, veterans' reintegration, family and mental health issues, training conferences for health professionals and educators, and community outreach.
MARTI's many contributions to both scientific and service communities is recognized by government and private funders as evidenced by the continuing and increasing levels of grants and contracts awarded. More important, the institute's long and consistent track record in the community continues, and its credibility and high regard among various constituencies remains resilient.
The MARTI-CBH Opioid / Heroin Research and Outreach Initiative is aiming to learn more about treatment barriers and to provide online prevention and intervention resources for local communities and their stakeholders. The initiative is organized around research development, the MARTI-CBH Summer School, the Health Disparities Lecture Series, and Opioid / Heroin Treatment and Other Resources online page.
Caring about Latino Student Achievement (CALSA) is a faculty-student developed program aimed at retaining Latino and other minority students at Ä¢¹½tv and preparing them for graduate or professional studies.
Internships offer students a plethora of advantages that not only impact their academics, but also personal and future goals. There are many opportunities for students to broaden their perspectives and gain real world experiences in various health-related fields.