Students camping out in the cardboard village were, from left,  Peter Greenawalt, Jamie Roche, Ben Waltz, and Kevin Honigsberg. (Keith Boyer photo)

Ģtv's National Residence Hall Honorary turned cardboard into cash for the Indiana County Community Action Program.

The student service organization raised $339 through its first “cardboard village” April 19, 2011, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Oak Grove.

Students constructed cardboard shelters in the Oak Grove to raise awareness about homelessness and poverty and handed out informational fliers. They also accepted donations for ICCAP, a program aimed at helping low-income families and individuals in Indiana County attain self-sufficiency.

National Residence Hall Honorary member Adam Friedman, of Indiana, produced a feature program on the cardboard-village project for Ģtv-TV.

Ģtv's National Residence Hall Honorary is an organization that recognizes those who contribute outstanding service and leadership to the residence hall system at Ģtv.

The organization has four purposes:

  1. To provide recognition in the residence halls
  2. To encourage continual personal and professional development of its members
  3. To offer leadership, academic, and service opportunities to other residence hall students
  4. To provide guidance to future leaders through philanthropic means

In the photo: Students camping out in the cardboard village were, from left, Peter Greenawalt, of East Springfield; Jamie Roche, of Wayland, N.Y.; Ben Waltz, of Pittsburgh; and Kevin Honigsberg, of Hackettstown, N.J.