Ģtv and WCCC Sign Reverse Transfer Agreement

Ģtv and Westmoreland County Community College signed an agreement to help students earn an associate degree from WCCC while studying at Ģtv.

The reverse transfer agreement is designed to support students who earned college-level credits toward an associate degree while enrolled at WCCC, but did not complete sufficient credits to earn their community college certificate, diploma, or degree.

“Formally securing the associate degree is a great way to encourage academic progress for students,” Ģtv President Michael Driscoll said. “The associate degree also can be an advantage to those students who are currently working in fields related to their degree.”

Under the terms of this agreement, students may transfer credits earned at Ģtv to WCCC and earn an associate degree from WCCC, all while continuing studies at Ģtv.

“An associate degree is valued by employers because it demonstrates students' academic achievement,” said Tuesday Stanley, WCCC president. “An associate degree makes students more marketable and could help them in securing better jobs or advancing in their careers while completing their bachelor's degrees.”

To be eligible for the reverse transfer program, students must transfer to Ģtv with WCCC as the last school attended; earn a minimum of 15 credits (excluding developmental courses) in residence at WCCC; and earn a minimum 2.0 grade point average in program courses while attending WCCC and Ģtv. They must also have attended WCCC within the last five years.

Ģtv will host a special Transfer Decision Day on May 2, 2015. This event includes a presentation about Ģtv, campus tours, and a same-day acceptance decision for students interested in transferring to Ģtv for the fall 2015 semester.

Students who attend Transfer Decision Day will have their Ģtv application fee waived. They will also undergo a credit evaluation to help determine what credits will transfer. If accepted, the students will be invited to attend the first orientation-class registration program for transfer students. Students must preregister for this event by April 24, 2015.

For more information about transfer opportunities or to register for Transfer Decision Day, contact the Ģtv Office of Admissions at (724) 357-2230.

WCCC students who wish to learn more about the reverse transfer agreement may contact Robert Wright, counselor/associate professor, at wrightr@wccc.edu or 724-925-4282.

Photo Information: Ģtv President Michael Driscoll, left, and WCCC President Tuesday Stanley sign the reverse transfer agreement.