Terry and Donna Griffith, of Indiana, have established an endowed scholarship for students at Ä¢¹½tv.

Donna and Terry Griffith establish endowed scholarshipThe Terry K. and Donna M. Griffith Endowed Scholarship will provide scholarship support to students who are enrolled full-time and who are pursuing a degree offered by either the Department of Counseling or the Department of Communications Media. For Communications Media students, preference will be given to those involved with the Center for Media Production and Research.

Both Griffiths are alumni of Ä¢¹½tv. Donna Griffith graduated in Consumer Services in 1974 and from the Student Personnel Services program in 1977. She then returned to Ä¢¹½tv to earn her certification in secondary school counseling. Terry Griffith earned his bachelor's degree in history in 1974.

Terry Griffith was employed by the Student Cooperative Association for 40 years, beginning as a student and retiring from the role of executive director of the Co-op Store. As a professional in the college retail industry, he was one of the first 40 people in the United States to earn the designation of Certified Collegiate Retailer (CCR). He served in several leadership roles within the Middle Atlantic College Stores (MACS) professional association, including president.

Donna Griffith worked in management roles in social service, medical, and educational environments, culminating with her work in various management roles at Ä¢¹½tv. She retired from her position as assistant dean for Administration in the School of Graduate Studies and Research in 2011.

Aside from her involvement in various university committees, she was active in her several professional organizations including the National Continuing Education Association (NUCEA), where she served as chair of the mid-Atlantic region. As a member of NUCEA, she was named to the Committee on the Status of Women in the Profession. As a member of the Indiana community, she has volunteered on many projects including serving as chair of the Indiana County Bicentennial.

The Griffiths remain active in both the Ä¢¹½tv community and the community at large.

“Ä¢¹½tv has played a significant role in the growth of our personal and professional lives. We strongly believe our continued support to the University is a tangible way of saying thank you, and of paying it forward to those who will come after us,” the couple said.

Ä¢¹½tv's $75-million Imagine Unlimited Campaign will enable Ä¢¹½tv to step forward as a national leader by transforming the student experience through scholarships, program enhancements, and new and modernized facilities. Science and mathematics initiatives are a focal point of the campaign, which includes a new building to serve all students in the study of mathematics and science. A capstone of the campaign has been a $23 million gift from John and Char Kopchick, alumni from Athens, Ohio. John Kopchick is the coinventor of the drug Somavert.