Ä¢¹½tv at Northpointe is offering a Professionalism in Work and Life program for high school students. The program will run 6:00–7:15 p.m. on May 9, 11, 16, and 18, 2022. A brief description of the program is available below. 

There is no cost to participate due to support from the Tri-County Workforce Investment Board.

Professionalism in Work and Life

Understanding the importance of basic soft skills will give you an edge in life, starting with your next teacher or first job interview, or interaction with any other individual or group. Soft skills include how you present yourself, knowing how others may interpret your body language, knowing how to best resolve conflict, building your in-group (unconscious bias and cultural intelligence), knowing how to effectively communicate your message, and understanding a problem from everyone's perspective so you can contribute to the problem solution. 

Soft skills will give you an edge in employment as well and in many other aspects of life.