Please be reminded that full parking enforcement is now in effect. Valid parking permits must be clearly displayed while parking in lots on the campus. When parked in a you must pay in advance for the time you will be parked.
Reserved spaces are strictly enforced, including disability accessible spaces, visitor reserved, Admissions reserved spaces, 15/30-minute loading and unloading zones, fire lanes, and tow-away zones. Vehicles in violation may be ticketed and towed at vehicle owner's expense.
The following locations are posted no parking from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.:
Clark Lot (Saturday 2:00 a.m.-6:00 a.m./Sunday 2:00 a.m.-6:00 a.m.)
HUB Parking Lot
Parking Garage Spaces 315-425
Pratt Drive (between Maple and Grant)
Stadium Lot North A
Stadium Lot North PBS B
Stadium Lot North C
Stadium Lot South
Reschini Parking Lot
Whitmyre Parking Lot
Washington Street Lot
Towers East Lot
Keith Lot
SW Jack Co-Gen West Lot
SW Jack Co-Gen East Lot
SW Jack Co-Gen South Lot
Eberly East Lot
Wallwork North Lot
Wallwork South Lot
Folger Lot
Temporary permits are required for guests of on-campus students. The student must purchase a temporary parking permit for their guest, and this permit will be valid for the Robertshaw long-term lot or the R&P Band lot.
The cost of the temporary permit is:
1-3 days: $15
4-7 days: $20
Permits can be purchased in person with cash, check or Crimson Cash at the Parking Services office.
If you have any questions regarding parking, contact Parking Services Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. at 724-357-8748 or
Parking Services
850 Maple Street
University Towers
Indiana Pa 15705
Phone: 724-357-8748
Fax: 724-357-2104
Facebook: iupparkingservices
Twitter: @iupparking
Instagram: @iupparking
Monday through Friday: 7:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.