A new initiative has been developed to encourage and support faculty grantsmanship.
The Office of the President has established the President's Advancing Grantsmanship Fund to provide $2,500 for faculty who submit a grant proposal of at least $25,000.
To apply, faculty must be nominated by their academic dean. The provost and the dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research will select awardees based on their potential for writing successful proposals, as documented by the nomination from their dean. It is expected that up to twenty awardees will be given summer contracts.
Faculty will receive funding after the grant is completed and submitted. The proposal must be submitted during the 2010–2011 academic year (ending June 30, 2011).
Deadline for application is May 1, 2010. For further inquiry, contact the dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research, Dr. Tim Mack, at 724-357-2244 or by e-mail at TMack@iup.edu.
It is my intention that the Grantsmanship Fund will help to ease the teaching and research load carried by our faculty while advancing grant successes for Ä¢¹½tv.
Tony Atwater, Ph.D.