Giving through the State Employees Combined Appeal (SECA) demonstrates our commitment to our communities, our neighbors, and our friends. Our strength is in our numbers; many small contributions can make a big difference.
The 2010 SECA campaign has begun and will run through October 22. The Ģtv SECA website provides the information and forms you need to make your donation. You will not receive a packet this year. All forms and instructions are on the website. Payroll deduction makes it possible to spread contributions over the year. However, one-time contributions are also welcome and can be made by cash, check, or credit card. Prizes will be awarded weekly for those who participate.
Also, as part of this campaign, ARAMARK will contribute all proceeds from lunches served in the Oak Room on October 21. Look for details to come.
Please take this opportunity to demonstrate your generosity to help improve the quality of life for all people. This year's theme is “Give Hope Today, Build a Better Tomorrow.” Let's show Ģtv's commitment to caring and sharing.
David Werner
Interim President