Suggestion Box

Do you have any suggestions on how Ä¢¹½tv can save money? Let President Werner know by using the Suggestion Box on the president's website.

With news of Ä¢¹½tv's upcoming budget challenges came initiatives designed to communicate information, address questions, and provide a forum for discussion of budget issues:

  • The monthly President's Open Forum, in which David werner, interim president, hosts hourlong sessions to address questions from employees on any topic
  • The Budget Matters web video series, in which Dr. Werner answers questions about the budget and budget planning from host Mary Ann Rafoth. Employees are encouraged to suggest questions for the show via e-mail at
  • And, the Suggestion Box, an online form through which employees are encouraged to submit ideas to help Ä¢¹½tv through its budget crisis

The Suggestion Box is intended for constructive ideas that will result in a cost savings to Ä¢¹½tv or improvements in efficiency.

Employee input for each of these initiatives is needed for them to be effective.

President Werner looks forward to hearing your ideas: