Ģtv was well represented at the Leader's Circle Awards event on Thursday, March 15, 2012. Several members of the university community were recognized for their community service and leadership.

Interim president David Werner honored state senator Don White with the 2012 President's Medal of Distinction.

Trustee Jonathan Mack was honored with the Male Civic Leader Award, and Michelle Fryling, director of Media Relations, was honored with the Athena Leadership Award.

Robin Gorman, executive assistant and chief of staff in the President's Office, and Elizabeth “Betsy” Sarneso, assistant director of Student Life/Student Leadership and Greek life, were finalists for the Athena Leadership Award.

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Left to right: Betsey Sarneso, Michelle Fryling, Robin Gorman, Jonathan Mack, and David Werner


Left to right: Jonathan Mack, Don White, and David Werner