Major Gene Deisinger, PhD, managing partner of Sigma Threat Management Associates, shared his expertise with Ä¢¹½tv senior administrators and faculty in two days of discussions focused on the complex issues related to campus violence and principles of campus threat assessment and management.
Deisinger met with over 100 people, including President Michael Driscoll; the Concern and Response Team; trustees; Cabinet members; University Police; deans, chairs, and other faculty; the Counseling Center; and Residential Life, Student Affairs, and Human Resources colleagues.
“Dr. Deisinger's experience and training will help move Ä¢¹½tv forward in strengthening our systems to address threat assessment and management," said President Driscoll. "He brings a unique expert perspective to the field of forensic and law enforcement psychology on college campuses like Ä¢¹½tv."
Deisinger said he was impressed by how "deeply committed to the safety and well-being of your campus" the Ä¢¹½tv leadership is.
Deisinger also serves as deputy chief of police and director of Threat Management Services at Virginia Tech. For the past 15 years, he has provided training and consultation on threat assessment and management issues to a range of schools, colleges, universities, and corporations. He has also provided training and consulting to law enforcement agencies regarding pre-employment evaluation, promotional assessments, fitness-for-duty evaluations, leadership and organizational development, hostage/crisis intervention, and post-incident trauma response. His background includes serving as a licensed psychologist, certified health service provider in psychology, and state-certified peace officer.
He is the lead author of the Handbook for Campus Threat Assessment and Management Teams, a practical guide for colleges and universities who are developing the capacity for threat assessment teams. His specialties include threat assessment and management, forensic consultation on workplace violence issues, law enforcement selection, hostage negotiation, and crisis intervention.