Faculty and staff members whose proposals were awarded Strategic Initiative funding recently received the news that we will make a monetary investment in submitted ventures.

I introduced the process for Strategic Funding Initiatives in a communication distributed in October. I want to share with the entire university community the end result of this new enterprise.

A total of 19 proposals received final consideration. Those final 19 requested nearly $1,360,000 against a total of $1,180,000. They involved work that would move Ä¢¹½tv ahead in one or more key areas:

  • strengthening academic quality and reputation;
  • improving student success, retention, and completion;
  • enhancing Ä¢¹½tv's financial sustainability;
  • furthering Ä¢¹½tv's strategic goals.

Based on the proposal review process, I have decided to award approximately $877,000. Eleven proposals will receive funding from the Strategic Initiative Fund.

Ten of them received one-time funding, but two—one that entails the creation of an energy research cluster and the other the creation of a veterans reintegration cluster—will receive permanent funding for new faculty positions beginning in fiscal year 2013–14.

In addition, I have reserved an additional $205,000 to fund four proposals that will be reconsidered after further development. They are related to additional support for veterans and to student success programming.

As originally planned, I also have retained some funding to serve as a buffer in the event of future budget shortfall.

It is important to note that proposals not advanced for final review by each department head or dean and then vice president were considered thoroughly. Deans and vice presidents reported to me that most proposals contained worthy ideas—truly great ideas—but their decision to not advance them for final consideration was based on our greatest needs at this time. I want to assure everyone that just because a proposal did not receive funding this year or was not passed along for further consideration does not mean that it will not be considered strategically important in the future.

I want to thank all who took the time to respond to the call for proposals. I appreciate the care and concern for Ä¢¹½tv's future that all the submissions illustrated. I look forward to seeing the funded projects come to fruition in the next year.

2012–13 Projects Supported by Strategic Initiative Fund

Enrollment Management and Communications Division

Website Assistance for All Undergraduate and Graduate Programs: $100,000

Academic Affairs Division

Creation of Energy Research Cluster: $175,916*
Creation of Veterans Reintegration Center: $175,916*
Increasing Federal Grant Awards: $90,000
OB Birthing Simulation Lab: $98,143
Engaging and Educating the Shale Gas Partners: $74,880
State-of-the-Art Image Analysis Facility: $100,000

University Advancement

Phonathon Room Enhancements: $15,675
Additional Solicitation Projects in Annual Giving: $22,250
Alumni Solicitation Travel to Three Cities (Faculty Presentations): $8,000
Video Production to Show at Alumni Gatherings: $16,000

*Includes permanent commitment for faculty positions.