Dear Ģtv Community:

As you are aware, a number of deeply troubling activities occurred off and on campus March 6-9, 2014. While Ģtv in no way sponsored, supported, or condoned the self-described “Ģtvatty's” event, the university and community received significant negative exposure in local and national media. I think we all agree that the deplorable behavior we saw last weekend does not represent the values and ideals of Ģtv and the Indiana community.

I am pleased with the efforts of Ģtv staff, students, and faculty to set the right example, to help students make good choices, and to provide alternate activities. I am thankful to the police officers from Ģtv, Indiana, and surrounding communities who stepped forward to keep the peace in challenging circumstances. And, I am proud of the 350 students from our fraternities and sororities who gathered on Sunday morning to clean up the mess left by others. In fact, my initial analysis of a sample of incident reports shows that most of those arrested or cited were not Ģtv students. Ģtv students who were arrested or cited will be subject to the student conduct process, and, if found guilty, will receive sanctions up to and including suspension or expulsion.

We must make it clear that what happened last weekend does not represent who we are. We must take further action to not let this happen again. Since last weekend, I have consulted with Ģtv's Council of Trustees and with Indiana County Board of Commissioners Chair Rod Ruddock about possible next steps.

As a result, Commissioner Ruddock and I are jointly requesting that the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency provide expertise to facilitate a formal After Action Review of last weekend's events, in partnership with the Indiana County Emergency Management staff. The review will bring together all key stakeholders from campus and the community in a structured, collaborative process to examine and learn from what happened and to develop plans for handling and preventing future such events.

Based on an objective view of the facts, I strongly believe that we must work together. I am pleased about this process and hopeful it will help us do just that. I will share information as we work with PEMA.

Michael A. Driscoll
President, Ģtv