Elise Glenn, temporary faculty member in the Ģtv Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, joined the Office of Social Equity as interim Title IX Coordinator/Compliance Specialist on November 4, 2017.

Glenn will work closely with Sondra Dennison, the former interim Title IX coordinator, through the end of the fall semester to ensure a smooth transition of the current work. Dennison will return to her position as executive director of Housing, Residential Living, and Dining and deputy Title IX coordinator for the spring semester.

“Dr. Dennison has done an excellent job in this interim role, and I want to thank her for her excellent work in this important area,” said Ģtv President Michael Driscoll. “I also want to thank Paula Stossel, who served as interim Title IX deputy coordinator during this period.

“I feel confident that Ms. Glenn's skills and abilities, including her background as an attorney, will continue to advance our capacity to do the right thing for our university and for our employees and students.”

Glenn, who has a juris doctor from Case Western Reserve School of Law, has taught at both Ģtv and Saint Vincent College. At Saint Vincent, she was director of Trial Advocacy, a professor, and mock trial coach.

She served as magisterial district judge in Westmoreland County. She practiced labor and employment discrimination law with Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, PC, in Pittsburgh, and was a pro bono attorney and president of the Board of Directors for the Myriam's Women's Shelter, in Pittsburgh.

She served as in-house counsel for the Consolidated Natural Gas Company and was a member of the complaint response team. She also worked for the US Department of Labor as an attorney/advisor to federal administrative appeals judges for the Federal Benefits Review Board.

Concerns related to Title IX issues can be directed to the Office of Social Equity at 724-357-3402 or e-mailed to title-ix@iup.edu. Information about Title IX, the university's Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Policy, and other available resources can be found on the Title IX website.

The Title IX coordinator/compliance officer is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the university's Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Policy, as well as helping the university maintain compliance with Pennsylvania's State System of Higher Education, the commonwealth, and federal laws and regulations addressing sexual violence—including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.

Office of the President