President Michael Driscoll offers congratulations to employees who would have been honored at this week's Service Awards Luncheon.
The annual Service Awards Luncheon, which was supposed to take place this week, is a casualty of our new circumstances of uncertainty. I value each and every one of our employees, and I want to take a moment to congratulate those of you who completed a milestone year of service in 2019.
Of course, I'd rather congratulate you in person, and hope I have the chance to do so someday. Each of you plays a different role, and each role is equally important and adds to the one common goal we share—of creating a community in which we prepare students to care for our future. We want those students to graduate and go off in the world to do great things, but we want them to have a place they remember fondly and return to, as they do their own homes.
Operating a university takes a variety of talent, a great deal of creativity and thought, and a lot of sweat. It will continue to take concentrated teamwork to through the rough times, but I have every confidence we'll come through all of this well—and that's because of you and your dedication to this place we share. Without you, Ä¢¹½tv wouldn't be Ä¢¹½tv.
With appreciation,
Michael Driscoll
The following completed milestone anniversaries in 2019.
10 Years of Service
Dr. Joseph Baunoch, Music
Miss Emily Briggs, Athletics
Mr. Donald Buffone, Custodial Services
Dr. Theresa Calderone, Nursing and Allied Health Professions
Dr. Joshua Castle, Kinesiology, Health, and Sport Science
Ms. Tiffany Coffen, Financial Aid
Mrs. Patricia Connell, Developmental Studies
Ms. Meghan Erwin, Developmental Studies
Dr. Justin Fair, Chemistry
Dr. Luke Faust, Developmental Studies
Dr. Benjamin Ford, Anthropology
Dr. Terrence Fries, Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Mr. Robert Gretta, Theatre, Dance, and Performance
Dr. Shirley Johnson, Professional Studies in Education
Mr. John Lundberg, IT Services
Dr. Robert Major, Biology
Dr. Jeanine Mazak-Kahne, History
Mrs. Kelly Montanti, Employment and Labor Relations
Dr. Nurhaya Muchtar, Communications Media
Mr. Patrick Overdorff, Printing and Postal Services
Dr. Christian Pedersen, Philosophy
Dr. Amanda Poole, Anthropology
Dr. Diane Shinberg, Public Health
Mrs. Diane Sobolewski, Communication Disorders, Special Education, and Disability Services
Dr. Zachary Stiegler, Communications Media
Dr. Melissa Swauger, Sociology
Dr. Todd Thompson, English
Dr. Christian Vaccaro, Sociology
Dr. Sibyl West, Counseling
Ms. Kimberly Wick, Ä¢¹½tv Libraries
Dr. Henry Wong Doe, Music
Mr. Thomas Yuha, Custodial Services
Mr. Robert Zack, Central Stores
15 Years of Service
Dr. John Anderson, Sociology
Mr. Robert Baron, Athletics
Dr. Matthew Baumer, Music
Dr. Janet Blood, Human Development, Fashion, and Interior Design
Mrs. Sheron Boring, Custodial Services
Dr. Holly Branthoover, Counseling
Ms. Mary Deborah Carmella, Engagement and University Events
Dr. Pankaj Chaudhary, Information Systems and Decision Sciences
Mr. Daniel Clayton, Automotive Shop
Dr. Yong Colen, Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Dr. Kenneth Coles, Geoscience
Ms. Amy Cook, College of Health and Human Services
Ms. Jessica Dories, International Education
Mrs. Beth Farabaugh, Ä¢¹½tv Libraries
Dr. Erika Frenzel, Criminology and Criminal Justice
Ms. Tammy Gillespie, Paint Shop
Mr. Barry Haldin, Maintenance
Dr. Melanie Hildebrandt, Sociology
Mr. Michael Jula, Custodial Services
Dr. Richard Kemp, Theatre, Dance, and Performance
Dr. Gregory Kenning, Physics
Dr. Michael Korns, Employment and Labor Relations
Dr. Erik Lauber, Journalism and Public Relations
Mr. Kenneth Leasure, Custodial Services
Dr. Jonathan Lewis, Geoscience
Ms. Karen Mathe, Social Equity
Ms. Irene May, Nursing and Allied Health Professions
Dr. Scott Mensch, Information Systems and Decision Sciences
Mr. John Mitchell, Electric Shop
Mrs. Christine Patterson, Financial Operations
Dr. Brian Sharp, Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Ms. Cindy Sisko, Office of the Bursar
Mrs. Kenna Smyers, Custodial Services
Dr. Robert Sweeny, Art and Design
Mr. Thomas Toia, Financial Operations
Dr. Susan Venatta, Human Development, Fashion, and Interior Design
Mrs. Pauline Wells, International Education
20 Years of Service
Dr. Sanwar Ali, Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Mrs. Tammy Boyer, Custodial Services
Mrs. Kathy Brewer, Office of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
Mr. Leslie Brilhart, Custodial Services
Mr. Mark Broskin, University Police
Mr. Bryan Brougher, PA OSHA Consultation Program
Ms. Donna Buggey, Center For Applied Psychology
Mrs. Jamie Carnahan, Procurement Services and Central Stores
Dr. Christine Clewell, Music
Mrs. Patricia Cornman, Ä¢¹½tv Libraries
Ms. Angela Coulter, Kopchick College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Mrs. Sandra Cribbs, Accounts Payable
Ms. Mandi Custer, Facilities, Engineering, and Construction
Ms. Mysti Dinger, Academy of Culinary Arts
Mr. Andrew Gillham, Art and Design
Ms. Elisa Goserud, Admissions
Mrs. Lori Harkleroad, Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment
Mrs. Rebecca Hart, Chemistry
Mrs. Tammy Harvey, PA OSHA Consultation Program
Ms. Dorothy Hillard, Criminology and Criminal Justice
Dr. James Jozefowicz, Economics
Dr. Stephanie Jozefowicz, Economics
Mr. Gregory Kerr, Paint Shop
Dr. Charles Lake, Chemistry
Mr. Richard Loftus, Custodial Services
Dr. Soo Lu, History
Ms. Amanda Marshall, IT Services
Mr. Ronald Moretti, Custodial Services
Dr. John Mueller, Student Affairs in Higher Education
Mr. Richard Muth, Regional Campuses
Dr. Brian Okey, Geography and Regional Planning
Mr. Daniel Petroff, International Education
Mrs. Joyce Piper, Ä¢¹½tv Libraries
Dr. Heather Powers, English
Dr. Eric Rosenberger, Counseling Center
Mr. Jonathan Roumfort, IT Services
Ms. Linda Rummel, Custodial Services
Dr. Marveta Ryan-Sams, Foreign Languages
Dr. Ronald See, Chemistry
Dr. Michael Sell, English
Mr. Jeffrey Stossel, Custodial Services
Mrs. Jennifer Sutter, Custodial Services
Mrs. Joan Van Dyke, Theatre, Dance, and Performance
Ms. Cindy Varner, Office of the Registrar
Ms. Lorrie Vehovic, Human Resources
Dr. Kustim Wibowo, Information Systems and Decision Sciences
25 Years of Service
Mrs. Paula Andrei, Career and Technical Personnel Preparation
Mrs. Edith Bash, Office of the Vice President for Administration and Finance
Dr. Prashanth Bharadwaj, Management
Dr. Holly Boda-Sutton, Theatre, Dance, and Performance
Dr. Susan Comfort, English
Mr. Benjamin Dadson, IT Services
Mr. Garry Gaston, Electric Shop
Mr. William Hamilton, Marketing and Communications
Dr. Steven Hovan, Geoscience
Dr. Steven Jackson, Political Science
Dr. Elizabeth Marcus, History
Mr. James McGhee, IT Services
Ms. Cynthia Mellen, PA OSHA Consultation Program
Mr. David North, I-Card, Vending, Parking and Transportation
Dr. Elizabeth Palmer, Nursing and Allied Health Professions
Ms. Susan Palmisano, Art and Design
Ms. Debra Rankin, Registration and Scheduling
Dr. Teresa Shellenbarger, Nursing and Allied Health Professions
Ms. Deidre Smith, Financial Aid
Dr. Xi Wang, History
Dr. Kim Weiner, Counseling Center
Mrs. Tressa Wright, Budget Office
30 Years of Service
Dr. Abbas Ali, Management
Mr. William Balint, IT Services
Dr. Elaine Blair, Kinesiology, Health, and Sport Science
Mrs. Aileen Bowman, Financial Aid
Mr. Christopher Buggey, Custodial Services
Ms. Evelyn Carnahan, Office of the Bursar
Mrs. Kathleen Evanko, Conference Services
Mr. Glenn Good, IT Services
Mrs. Lisa Halmes, Cook Honors College
Dr. Kathleen Hanrahan, Criminology and Criminal Justice
Mr. Bernard Lazor, Carpentry Shop
Dr. Joseph Mannard, History
Dr. John Orife, Management
Ms. Theresa Ruffner, Psychology
Dr. Steven Schroeder, History
Dr. Lisa Sciulli, Marketing
Dr. Theresa Smith, Religious Studies
Mr. Walter Stapleton, University Advancement
Mr. David Surtasky, Lively Arts
35 Years of Service
Ms. Carol Asamoah, Ä¢¹½tv Libraries
Dr. Yaw Asamoah, Humanities and Social Sciences
Mr. James Brink, Automotive Shop
Mr. Dennis Friedline, Printing and Postal Services
Ms. Barbara Moore, Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment
Dr. Cynthia Strittmatter, Eberly College of Business and Information Technology
40 Years of Service
Ms. Susan Snyder, Undergraduate Admissions
50 Years of Service
Mr. Randy Jesick, Journalism and Public Relations