As part of Ä¢¹½tv's new reality—the changing and challenging conditions we face as a university—members of the community have agreed to share their perspectives on how we move forward and the initiatives that are underway.

In the , Scott Moore and Paula Stossel, who chair the University Planning Council, discuss the UPC's restructuring and the development of a new strategic plan for the university. Note, to view the video, you will be required to log in using your Ä¢¹½tv username and password.

Moore and Stossel noted that the University Planning Council has been reconfigured and is now a smaller group that has been charged to create a new strategic plan for 2020–25. The plan's focus will be on creating a student-ready university and finding ways to improve streamline processes to ensure that students as well as faculty and staff members can be successful.

They said they have met with 27 groups on campus and expected to meet with about 20 more. The UPC continues to meet remotely during the coronavirus pandemic and welcomes input on what should be addressed in the new strategic plan.