Dear Colleagues:

Members of the Class of 2020 have had their last few months at Ä¢¹½tv taken from them and have been asked to keep pressing forward. And they have. They have shown amazing resilience, and we couldn't be more proud.

As they graduate from Ä¢¹½tv, we would like to compile a video from faculty and staff members and coaches that wishes them well, offers them advice, or recognizes their resilience in this challenging time.

Your message to the Class of 2020 can be a short video (less than 30 seconds) or a short written message (three sentences or less) touching on one of those three themes I just mentioned—well wishes, advice, or recognition of resilience. Because we expect a high number of submissions, yours may end up being edited for length. Our aim is to include at least something from each person who sends along a submission.

Please submit your short message (video or text) to by April 30. Please include your name and your department or office.

The final edited video will be shared on social media and the Ä¢¹½tv website during finals week in May.

Thank you in advance for participating and for wishing our graduates well.


Michael A. Driscoll