I hope you and your families continue to be well.
With the expiration of Governor Wolf's and Indiana County's move into the green phase today, I want to update you on how this relates to Ä¢¹½tv, and offer a brief update on our work being done for the fall.
I want to stress, along with state and national health officials, that green does not mean a return to business as usual. We will continue to follow social distancing and wearing of masks and other recommended safety measures.
We will continue to follow the plan for summer instruction via remote instruction, absent specific plans and permission to do otherwise. All Ä¢¹½tv camps and conference activity hosted by Ä¢¹½tv Conference Services has been canceled or re-scheduled.
Most offices and buildings will remain closed and secured, except for University Police and Postal Services, as well as offices continuing to serve students still on campus, including facilities in Ruddock Hall and food service take-out in the Hadley Union Building.
As you know from my message of May 21, we are planning to welcome students back to campus for the fall. To prepare the campus, we will monitor work requirements and ask staff members to return to campus as necessary. In July, facilities staff will begin to return to campus to prepare the physical campus for fall semester. At least through the summer, we will ask employees who can work from home to continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
The Fall 2020 Planning Committee, which includes the University Planning Council and many members of the Ä¢¹½tv community, is working diligently and carefully to develop recommendations for President's cabinet about returning in the fall. The Planning Committee has identified a number of action teams, focusing on these topics: Classroom-Ready; Communications and Community Relations; Dining Ready; Facilities non-classroom); Fall Scheduling; Health Services/Testing, Tracing and Quarantining; Housing Ready; Meetings and Events; New and Continuing Student Onboarding; Student and Family Financial Implications; and Returning Staff and Faculty to Work. Dr. Scott Moore and Ms. Paula Stossel are cochairs. Please feel free to contact them via email with your suggestions or concerns.
We will continue to update you as decisions are made. If you have questions or concerns, please talk with your supervisor.
Thank you for you continued patience and understanding. We will get through these challenging times together.
Michael A. Driscoll