Ä¢¹½tv Punxsutawney campus is hosting a "Welcome to College: Parent/Guardian Edition" event on Tuesday, April 5, at 6:00 p.m.
This event is for parents/guardians of college-age students. There are many helpful things that parents/guardians should know before their child heads to college. It isn’t always about knowing all the answers, but knowing what questions to ask.
This program at Ä¢¹½tv Punxsutawney will help you become a more informed parent. The program is open to all parents regardless of what college or university your child may be attending.
The program will include basic information on:
- Student privacy laws
- Financial aid
- Academic advising/major selection
- Terminology of higher education
- And more…
Reservations are not required but are encouraged. Call 814-938-6711 to register or email mysti@iup.edu.