As the COVID -19 situation continues affecting research and travel, the University Senate Research Committee has implemented temporary changes to the award categories, amounts, and program requirements.

The primary objectives of these temporary changes include the following:

  1. To support the research needs of as many faculty as possible under the current Ä¢¹½tv COVID-19 research policies.
  2. To offer Ä¢¹½tv faculty a flexible grant fund that will meet research needs under the current COVID-19 circumstances.
  3. To support faculty to present papers/scholarly work in virtual conferences that fulfill current Ä¢¹½tv COVID-19 travel policies.

Award Categories and Amounts

Research and Scholarship

During fall 2020 and spring 2021, the USRC will increase the funding amount for which faculty are eligible to apply up to a maximum of $5,000 per investigator. If two or more faculty members submit a joint application, a maximum of $10,000 may be requested.

"Travel" to Present Papers/Scholarly Work

Grants to present papers, posters, and other scholarly work at international or domestic virtual conferences. Applicants may apply for a single "travel" grant up to $2,000 or multiple "travel" grants that in total do not sum more than $2,000. During this period, "dollar-for-dollar" match is not required.

Program Requirements

  1. Grants awarded during this period do not count towards the restriction that a faculty member may not receive more than $4,000 in Senate awards during a single year or more than $7,000 over a three-year period.
  2. One or multiple domestic or international conference "travel" awards up to a maximum total of $2,000 will be allowed per faculty member during this period. The one travel award per year up to a maximum of $1,000 limitation stated in the USRC Guidelines does not apply during this period. Also, a "dollar-for-dollar" match is not required.

All proposal submissions must fulfill Ä¢¹½tv COVID-19 Research and Travel Policies as well as the requirements defined in the USRC Guidelines regarding proposal content, program requirements (not modified in this amendment), submission requirements, application deadlines, and final reports.

More information about USRC grants, including guidelines and deadlines, is available at University Senate Awards. The USRC small grant applications are available in .