Ä¢¹½tv Sailing Club invites members and prospective members to learn how to safely capsize and recover a sailboat in the Zink pool on Sunday, March 1, at 4:00 p.m.

The club will launch a boat in the pool area, then experienced members will demonstrate how to capsize and recover a boat. Participants will have a chance to learn this US Sailing approved method and then practice recovery.

First-time sailors often worry about how sailboats lean or heal. The capsize drill allows learners to gain confidence in balancing a boat and recovering from a capsize. Capsize recovery is one of the 13 US Sailing Small Boat skills. Members of the Ä¢¹½tv Sailing Club have the opportunity to practice and master all 13 skills, then receive official certification.

Ä¢¹½tv Sailing Club was founded in 2012. Students, alumni and other members of the Ä¢¹½tv community are invited to join. The club has regular Wednesday meetings on campus and sails, weekly, on Sunday at Yellow Creek State Park during warmer weather.

No prior experience is necessary to join the club. Many students join as beginners for the purpose of learning to sail. More experienced sailors have the option to race competitively against schools including Gannon, Penn State, and Pitt.

Please see our or follow us on social media. E-mail iupsailing@gmail.com with questions.