The Student Affairs in Higher Education Department was well-represented last week at the 2023 NASPA Conference in Boston. NASPA is the largest student affairs professional organization, and the annual conference was attended by almost 6,000 in-person participants.
John Wesley Lowery presented a full day pre-conference workshop, "A Higher Education Case Law and Legislative Update," with W. Scott Lewis, Saunie Schuster, and Daniel Swinton of . He also presented "Guns on Campus: The Courts, State Legislatures, and Campus Consequences" with W. Scott of TNG and Marjorie D. Sanfilippo, Eckerd College. Along with Mimi Benjamin, he presented "Using Case Studies in the Preparation and Training of Student Affairs Educators." Lowery also serves as NASPA historian and chairs the History Advisory Board.
In addition to her presentation with Lowery, Benjamin presented "The Art of Living in Student Affairs: Self-Care/Well-Being and the Student Affairs Life" with Jon Dooley, Hannah Clayborne, and Ä¢¹½tv Vice President for Student Affairs Tom Segar. She also presented "Sense of Belonging Through Peer Supports for Students of Color," and with Jon Dooley, Cara Lucia, and Naeemah Clark presented "Fostering a Campus Culture of Academic and Student Affairs Partnerships."
SAHE also cosponsored a reception with the Division of Student Affairs to reconnect with program alumni and participated in the NASPA Graduate Preparation Program Fair.