Within 10 days of observing or discovering a violation, a faculty member has three options they may elect to proceed with. (Note: Instructors do not have to follow the options in order. Depending on the severity, a faculty member can choose to immediately go to formal adjudicationeither a departmental hearing or an Academic Integrity Board.)

Documented Agreement

In this option, a referral form must be completed and filed with the Provost Office. If continuing from option I, the referral forms must be filed within 10 days of the conference between the student and the faculty member.

If agreement is reached, both parties sign the referral and the instructor distributes copies. The student cannot appeal the decision of the instructor if the sanction is agreed upon and signed. If agreement is reached but the student fails to fulfill agreed-upon sanction, the faculty members filed another referral for non-compliance.

If an agreement is not reached, then option III should be initiated.

Note: If there is another level II violation previously filed regarding the student, the violation automatically is referred to the Academic Integrity Board for multiple violations.

Formal Adjudication

In this option, a referral form is officially filed with the Provost Office because:

  1. he/she cannot reach, or chooses not to attempt, a Resolution by Documented Agreement with the
    student regarding the case or sanctions to be imposed; or
  2. the faculty member/administrator believes that the violation is so severe that it warrants sanctions such as: awarding a failing grade on a project or exam when resubmitting the projector retaking the
    exam is not possible. Involuntary withdrawal from part of Ä¢¹½tv's academic or other programs; suspension; expulsion; or rescission of a conferred degree are only levied at AIB.

If continuing from option documented agreement, the referral form must be filed within 10 days of the conference.

Once the referral form is filed with the Provost Office, any prior violations will be investigated. If there are not other previous violations, a Type I adjudication at the departmental level can be initiated if so desired by the faculty. If other academic integrity violations have been filed, or the faculty feels the violation is egregious and/or the recommended sanctions include suspension/expulsion, the Provost Office will convene an Academic Integrity Board Hearing (Type II adjudication).

Type I Adjudication: Departmental Adjudication

Within 10 days of being notified of an allegation, the department chair forwards a copy of the referral to the student and contacts the student to schedule a hearing with the chair, instructor, and student. This hearing is to take place within 10 days of the student's notification.

During this meeting, the chair, instructor, and student (if graduate student a representative from the graduate school also present) to discuss the situation and attempt to come to a resolution. The department chair will render a decision within seven days based on the evidence presented at the meeting.

The student may appeal the chair's decision in writing to the provost within seven days of receipt of the outcome. The appeal may be based on the following:

  • denial of a fair and reasonable hearing
  • new evidence
  • excessively harsh sanction

The Provost Office has 10 days to accept or deny the appeal. If the appeal is accepted, the Provost Office will convene an Academic Integrity Board Hearing.

Type II Adjudication: Academic Integrity Board

The Provost Office convenes an Academic Integrity Board Hearing. The AIB members are pulled from a list of judicial board members identified by the Office of Student Support and Community Standards, and consists of four faculty members and two students. The instructor and the student will appear before the AIB to present their case.

The AIB will render a decision within seven days of the hearing. If no prior violation exists, the AIB may accept, reduce, or modify the recommended sanction of the instructor, but they cannot increase the sanction. If there is a prior violation, the AIB may increase the sanction recommended by the faculty member.

The student may appeal the decision of the AIB in writing to the provost within 10 days. The Provost Office must accept or deny the appeal within 10 days. If the appeal is accepted, the Provost Office will convene an AIB appeal hearing. The decision made at this hearing is final.

Note: If an academic integrity violation is not resolved prior to when grades are due, the student must receive an "I" grade.