Instructions for Filling Out and Submitting Tenure Forms
- Read the document Tenure Guidelines, Policies, and Procedures.
- Save the Word documents (see below). It is recommended you save these forms to your H drive. This will ensure that you have a private copy on a secured drive that is also backed up nightly.
- After the form is saved, fill the form out completely, sign (if needed), scan and save it as a .pdf file, then submit the .pdf file via MyÄ¢¹½tv.
- In : In Discover, search for "tenure." Use the tenure links on the Faculty Contracts and Forms card.
- Tenure Process Technical Support Videos
Forms for Fall and Spring Hires
- Candidate's Personnel File Verification For Tenure
- Department Tenure Committee Permission to Access Candidate's Personnel File
Department Chairperson
Department Tenure Committee (DTC)
- Department Tenure Committee Personnel File Verification for Tenure
- Department Tenure Committee Recommendation