Offices Working Remotely

As a reminder, as part of our Summer Utilities Savings Program, most Ä¢¹½tv Indiana campus offices and buildings, including the Ä¢¹½tv Libraries, will be closed to the public Monday, July 1, through Friday, July 5.   

Please note that this does not impact the Ä¢¹½tv regional campus buildings and operations at Punxsutawney, Northpointe, and Pittsburgh East which will continue regular hours of instruction and operations.

On Thursday, July 4,  Ä¢¹½tv will be closed for the July 4 holiday. 

During this week, employees at the Indiana campus will be working remotely, as appropriate, and services offered by these offices will be available remotely. These buildings will be locked and additional utility setbacks will take place in buildings that will be closed to the public during this time period, to achieve additional utility savings as part of the plan. Operations will still take place but remotely, and employees must ensure that services are available.

In the case of an emergency requiring access to closed buildings during this time period, contact University Police at 724-357-2141.

Employees with work duties that require physically working on-site, including on Fridays and during the week of July 1 to July 5, will continue to do so.

These employees include police officers, housing staff, facilities staff, and others, as directed by their supervisors.

On-campus offices remaining physically open to the public on Fridays and from July 1 to 5 during the Summer Utility Savings Program include:

  • Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex
  • Athletics Administration (Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex)
  • Central Stores (Robertshaw)
  • Facilities Planning and Construction (Robertshaw)
  • Facilities Maintenance and Operations (Robertshaw)
  • Housing and Dining (Ruddock Hall and North Dining Hall)
  • Office of Public Safety/University Police, open on a 24-hour basis (Robertshaw)
  • Postal Services (Folger Hall)
  • S.W. Jack Cogeneration Plant, open on a 24-hour basis

The principle of not disrupting instruction during the Summer Utilities Savings Program continues to be followed, so any buildings hosting scheduled classes and select pre-approved events (as reserved through 25Live), will remain open and without utility setbacks.  (This includes buildings that have been identified as part of the Summer Savings Plan as requiring climate control, e.g. those housing live animals, fragile textiles, or equipment.)

Prior to July 1, building managers in buildings being closed must post signage on all entrances to their buildings about the July 1 to 5 closure to the public, along with information on how the public can contact departments within the building during this time period.

In the case that building managers in buildings being closed during the July 1 to 5 time period are not working during the summer months, the building lead administrator will be responsible for posting this signage. All buildings being closed must have signage on all exterior doors, so the general public can reach the offices for services. 

The 2024 Summer Utilities Saving Program continues through Friday, August 16.

The 2024 Summer Utilities Savings Program reflects our experiences and information gained during the 2022 Summer Utilities Savings Pilot Program, the 2023 Summer Utilities Savings Program, the Winter 2022 Pilot Utilities Savings Pilot Program, and the Winter 2023 Utilities Savings Program. As we refine and improve this program for future years, we will continue to work to develop and implement campus-wide efficiency measures that can be in place throughout the calendar year.

The university community has done an excellent job following program guidelines to achieve savings and reduce our energy usage.

Thank you for all that you continue to do to make this initiative a success and for your continued flexibility as we work together to maintain the highest level of service to our students and families while following measures to reduce university operational costs.

Best Regards,
Debra L. Fitzsimons
Vice President for Administration and Finance