Listed below are names of donors who have chosen to support the Allegheny Arboretum at Ä¢¹½tv with their charitable gifts. All gifts to the arboretum are appreciated and will be used as directed by the donors either for a specific purpose or for general use within the arboretum project.

We value input from our donors and welcome your thoughts on the future direction of the arboretum. If you have questions, concerns, or suggestions, please contact:

Jerry Pickering
Professor, Ä¢¹½tv Biology Department
Chairperson, Board of Directors, Allegheny Arboretum at Ä¢¹½tv

Special Arboretum Projects

Conemaugh Valley Conservancy Grant/Ä¢¹½tv Matching Funds

"Campbell Barn Rock Garden"
Steve C. Ender and Karen Gislason-Ender

"Restoration of Old Fountain Sutton East"
Jane Geibel
Bernard A. Moreau

"RDC - Arboretum"
Martha Mack Lewis Foundation
John A. Polesky

"Master Plan"
Joseph E. and Alice O'Dell

Arboretum Benches

Frank Baker: In Honor of Arthur Shields
Anonymous: In Honor of Frank T. Baker
Friends and Family of Dana Kriebel
Mary Hassler: In Memory of William Woods Hassler, Past President of Ä¢¹½tv
Indiana Garden Club
Bernard A. Moreau
Psychology Department: In celebration of Dana Marie Kriebel
Ruth A. Riesenman: In Memory of Bill McKahan
Betty B. and Gealy W. Wallwork
Robert Duggan Memorial Bench: Susan Delaney, Mark Holman, Robert Hovanec, David Johnson, Kim Lyttle, David Osikowicz, Timothy Pulte, Samuel Smith and Gealy Wallwork


Botanical Society of Indiana County
Gary J. Chellman
Frances A. Dowd: In Honor of Frank L. Smardo
Joan Fisher
John W. Gelsdorf
Kathi Greenwell
Karen Gresh: In Honor of Lois Blair
Jane Harris: In Recognition of Leroy A. King, Ä¢¹½tv President 1939
Regan and Charles Houser(2): In Memory of Judy Pidgeon
Janice and Edward Jackson: In Memory of Rev. Bruce W. Jackson '78
Nicholas Karatjas: In Memory of Katherine Karatjas
Joyce and AndyKuzneski
Jody and Tony Kuzneski
James and Barbara Laughlin
Kathleen Manion
Dorothy A. Palmer
Mark Pasquerilla and Lisa Urgo Pasquerilla
Lawrence K. Pettit
Susan and Jerry Pickering
Michelle Pollock
Linda Morrison Schaeffer: In Honor of Barbara McNalley Geier
Peggy and G. Fred Schrock
Ruth Spinelli
Regina and Dennis Stover
Jean and Richard Strawcutter

Unrestricted Support for Arboretum

Dawn M. Bates
Beth A. Baumert
Ingeborg C. Bivins
Lois C. Blair
Sidney N. and Jean L. Blair
Botanical Society of Indiana County
Paula J. and Andrew C. Browe
Virginia B. Bruce
Donna J. and Karl R. Buggey
Sandra L. Burwell
Richard L. Cassel
Mary E. and Robert A. Cecchetti
Joseph Cimino
Matthew and Mary-Margaret Conjelko
Willa Ruth Cramer
Jason Daniel Dana
Janet C. and C. Eugene Decker
Susan Delaney
Dorothy L. Delia
Melissa and Kieran M. Diorio
Paula Drewyer
John V. Evans
Randall Exton
Lynda and George Federoff
Richard and Susan Fello
Alyce M. Fellows
Robert H. Ferguson
Stephen P. Fink
Eleanor M. and Walter W. Gallati
Jane Y. and Robert H. Geibel
General Biology Fund
Rachel and Raymond D. Gibson
Evelyn S. and Harold D. Goldsmith
Audrey A. and Mitchell A. Goodis
Beverly J. Goodwin and William T. Ray
Jacqueline Haney Gramann
Debra and Anthony Grieneisen
Steffany P. and Jeffrey L. Hartman
Frederick J. Heagy
Susan C. and James J. Heidenthal
Thomas M. Huber
Kimberly J. and Michael Husenits
Indiana Garden Club
Robyn E. and Andrew Ivker
Krystof Z. and Aleksandra Kaniasty
Tammi L. Kellar
Donald J. Kenney
Sherrill A. Kuckuck and Edward D. Kuckuck
David J. and Robin LaPorte
Neil B. Lehman and Edna Lehman
William Lewis
Ann Little
Paul C. Makosky
Barbara W. Marquette and Carl W. Schneider
Margaret M. and Robert Craig Martin
Patricia and Patrick Mazanek
Marcia and Bryce McCarty
Maureen C. McHugh
Jack McMillen
Mary and Gene Mumper
Nancy Newkerk
Constance and Mike O'Neil
Donald A. Patchell
Amanda L. Pelphrey
Phi Eta Sigma
Susan and Jerry Pickering
Patrick Pisano
Plant Biology Fund
Suzanne S. and George F. Potter
Katrina Quinn
Edith Rhodes-Hahn
Ruth A. Riesenman
Loretta and Robert Rittle
Donald U. and Bernadette Robertson
Laurie Roehrich and Corbin Krug
Shirley Sato and Thomas Clemente
Mary Jane Schafer
Peggy and G. Fred Schrock
C. Donald Seagren and Dawn H. Seagren
Patricia F. Segree
Thomas Selby
Joan and Glenn W. Shearer
Cheryl Lynn Smith
Kay B. and David M. Smith
Burt G. Sorkey
Nelson K. Stahlman
Wendy and Jeffrey J. Svec
Lola Jean Taylor
Sally W. and Gordon F. Thorton
Urban Forestry Consultants, Inc.
Susan A. and Timothy P. Williams
Betty B. and Gealy W. Wallwork
Teresa A. and Jeffrey S. Williams
Carol K. Yuiska
Mary L. Zanich