On April 23, 2020, the Ä¢¹½tv Eberly College of Business and Information Technology's Phi Gamma Nu student organization hosted a Zoom panel presentation involving seven young alumni who are working in various industries. Twenty current students participated in the program.
PGN President Emily Kostelnik worked with alumna Bethany Barefoot to organize the panel. Presenting to the students were alumni who were all former PGN members:
- Bethany Barefoot '16 - Project Manager, Grow Up Great, PNC
- Sarah Begany '16 - Senior Tax Associate, Sisterson & Co. LLP
- Marc Colon '16 - Senior Navigator, Vanguard
- Meghan Donegan '16 - Account Manager, Merkle
- Jeff Hulse '15 - Operations Manager, DHL Supply Chain
- Karen Sadaka '16- Transition Specialist Representative, Paycom
- Deric Schmidt '16 - Technical Project Manager, PNC
Each of the panelists addressed a number of questions, including: information about what they did since they graduated from Ä¢¹½tv; what it has been like for them to be working from home; how COVID-19 has impacted their industry: what the biggest adjustment was in adjusting from college to the workplace: what impact student organizations had on their success: how to distinguish themselves; what their favorite Netflix show is right now, and; what advice they have for the students.
"I really enjoyed hearing from the panel members and appreciated the time that took to meet with us," said Kostelnick. "I learned a number of things about being positive, identifying mentors, the importance the work culture has in finding the right fit, and remembering that the day that you plant the seed isn't the day that you eat the fruit.'"
Joe Rosendale, advisor for PGN, and Cyndy Strittmatter, associate dean, attended the presentation.
"This was an outstanding presentation and something that I think could benefit all business students," said Strittmatter. "Our alumni were articulate, genuine, informative, and candid with our students. While we are all going through the challenges of COVID-19, I am confident that the students seeing each other and interacting with our alumni through Zoom was a highlight for all involved at the end of the term,"