This is part of #EberlyCovidSeries, a series from the Ä¢¹½tv Eberly College of Business and Information Technology that focuses on how MBA students are dealing with COVID-19 and their advice for undergraduate students.
RyanRedillais from New Florence, Pennsylvania. He was an undergraduate student in economics and is currently working on his MBA. Ryan works as a graduate assistant in the Journal Office of the Eberly College of Business and Information Technology, assisting Abbas Ali in the processing and production associated with international journals, including Competition Forum and the Journal for Competitiveness Studies. Ryan is a second lieutenant and quartermaster platoon leader in the United States Army. He aspires to join the Foreign Service Office of the Department of State.
In response to the question about how COVID-19 has impacted his education, Ryan responded as follows:
"COVID-19 has drastically impacted the way schools and universities operate all over the world. Students from preschool to PhD programs are adapting each day to new unforeseen issues. Curfews are enforced, businesses are closed, and Indiana, Pa. is more deserted than ever. It is a crazy time to be a college student.
"I have been incredibly lucky throughout the pandemic. I live close to Ä¢¹½tv and can fulfill my graduate assistantship requirements and meet face-to-face with professors and/or administrators if I have any issues. This is not the case for every student. Students need to use their resources and plan their schedules according to new changes and updates.
"Ä¢¹½tv has adapted well to this ever-changing situation. Zoom classes and meetings have become the norm on and around campus, and Ä¢¹½tv provides frequent COVID-19 updates through email. Having only two classes this semester, the weekly Zoom lectures, and the self-paced nature of D2L have been easy to manage. I have even been granted some flexibility to travel around and attend transportation training for the United States Army.
"My advice to younger students is to remain positive, stay flexible, and stay motivated. The instructors and professors have a huge part on your education and growth as a student; but at the end of the day, the responsibility for individual success falls on you. Do not be afraid to ask questions and use the resources Ä¢¹½tv has to offer. Plans and instruction are going to continue to change; COVID is a fluid thing.
"Stay positive, remain self-sufficient, and most importantly, enjoy yourself. Take time away from your studies to enjoy your college experience because academic year 2020-21 is something unlike anything else in history. It will get better, and classes will eventually resume in a normal fashion. College is a time to explore and have fun! Be safe, wear a mask, follow Ä¢¹½tv's COVID-19 guidelines, and enjoy yourself."
About #EberlyCovidSeries
The #EberlyCovidSeries features how students have adapted to studying during COVID-19 and their advice to other students. Associate Dean Cyndy Strittmatter is overseeing the project. "We are proud of our students who balance their academics with extracurricular activities and recognize the commitment that it takes to excel at all levels and during all circumstances. We look forward to sharing their stories with the Ä¢¹½tv community and beyond!"