The Ä¢¹½tv Career and Professional Development Center will offer several career-readiness virtual events during April.

"We are really excited about the events we have planned at the CPDC for the rest of the spring," Associate Director Kelsey Thompson said. "Each semester we try to be strategic in our planning efforts and offer students valuable professional development opportunities which cover topics such as leadership and mentorship, as well as involving some of our most engaged constituent groups, including but not limited to employers and alumni."

April CPDC Events

  • 7Why You Should Get a Mentor and How to Find One, presented by Nicole Bukosky, associate director of the (followed by networking), 6:00 p.m.(CRSS Event)
    • Ä¢¹½tv graduates spanning generations often share their number one piece of career advicefinding quality mentors. Learn why mentorship matters, how to find alumni mentors, and how to initiate a conversation. It doesn't have to be scary or awkwardtake advantage of Ä¢¹½tv's alumni network of volunteers who care about your success.

  • 12Roving Rsum reviews, 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
    • Students can submit their rsums to our career coaches to be reviewed during our Roving Rsum Review session.
  • 12Establishing Leadership Presence to Create Your Success, presented by Tammy Manko,Six O'Clock Series, 6:00 p.m.(CRSS Event)
    • Leadership is integral to professional success no matter the position we hold within an organization. Regardless of what you believe about how leaders evolvethey are born, or they learn to be leaders, or some combination of thesewe all have the capacity to lead. Part of being a leader, however, is being seen and being respected as a leader. How do we make this happen, especially if it doesn't come to us naturally? We establish leadership presence using tips, tricks, and tools based on best practices and research. This presentation will provide you with tactics for standing out as a respected leader in your organization and in life.

  • 14Alumni Panel: Working and Managing Your Side Business, with , 6:00 p.m.(CRSS Event) Use passcode 464779
    • In today's world, it seems just about everyone has some sort of side business in addition to a full-time gig. Some have even gone so far as to turn that side business into their full-time job. But how did they get started? Or maybe you don't even know what a side business is? Join the panel discussion and learn more.
  • 16Professional Panel Series, Noon,
    • The PPS brings together professionals from the health care industry to speak with students virtually about their current positions, what a career journey in this industry might look like, the goals of the company, projects they are looking to complete, and their own careers as well. The CPDC provides an opportunity to have an active and engaging discussion with students and company representatives so that students can garner as much knowledge as possible from the experts. Employees from AHN, UPMC, Highmark Health, and Wesley Family Services will attend.
  • 19Food for Thought: Career Lunch and Learn, LinkedIn, 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

"These events are extremely easy to participate in, since all are being held via Zoom," Thompson said. "We hope to see a strong showing at these programs in April as we wrap up the academic year!"

Students and alumni can find out more about these events and other services offered by the Ä¢¹½tv Career and Professional Development Center by calling 724-357-2235 or emailing