Physics professor Gregory Kenning recently published "Experimental determination of the critical spin-glass correlation length in single-crystal CuMn" in the journal Physical Review B.

The primary focus of Kenning's research is magnetism including fundamental magnetic measurements, nanoscale and magnetic material science, and biophysics applications of magnetism.


Using high-resolution superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry, we have made detailed measurements of the waiting time effect of the thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) decays on a single-crystal CuMn (6%) spin-glass sample near Tg. We have systematically mapped the rapid decrease of the characteristic time scale tweff, approaching Tg from below, for waiting times ranging from 100 to 100 000 s.

About the Ä¢¹½tv Physics Department

The Physics Department at Ä¢¹½tv provides an active and exciting environment for undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty alike. Events such as the Physics Olympics, regular talks from visiting scientists, and Physics Department picnics, as well as groups such as the Physics Club, ensure a nurturing environment for scientific exploration.